Fried bs2 px?
Posts: 21
Hi can you tell me how can i understand if my bs2px is fried?I was working on a project when it suddenly couldnt be programmed through my BASIC Stamp Editor.I checked the connection (to the pc) and it was ok.I can programm a bs2 using the same pc .The bs2px is on a b.o.e. And when i turn the power on everything seems ok(on board leds flashing etc.)it even sends the first pulses to the servos when i power it on.
How are you powering it? If battery check them ist.
Also when you wired in the darlington did you use any series resistors?
Do you have a USB or Serial BOE?·Using a volt meter; what are the following voltage measurements on the BS2px while it is connected?
Joshua Donelson
Its hard to do without a meter because you will not be able to tell the levels that a pin reads. No chance you have an oscilloscope is there? If no; what is your customer number and we can have you send it in for testing?
Joshua Donelson
And if you HAVE changed the computer, then typically it's a USB driver problem -- you may need to install the FTDI USB driver, the "default" windows USB-Serial driver absolutly will not work.
Without having it here for testing it would be hard to say exactly; but if you have two exact same set ups and one works and the other doesn't, it is also possible that something happened to the BS2px. The loopback stating NO is normally a driver or cable related error. Have you changed any COM settings? For example changing the latency timer to 1 or un-checking FIFI buffers? The BS2px communicates faster than the BS2, but normally if you can program one you can program them both; but it is something to try.
Joshua Donelson
So, if you can program a BS2 using your exact setup, then you've validated all your hardware and software. The only additional thing I can think of is that the BS2px is one of the newest BS2 'flavors', and I believe it REQUIRES the 2.4 IDE, the 2.1 IDE which would program a BS2 won't do it.
BASIC Stamp Editor [noparse][[/noparse] 2.4.2 ]:
Joshua Donelson
Do know of any distributors that are close to you? Perhaps we could do an exchange with them and just send them another module on their next order. If you search the list below and let me know if that is possible, I will work with sales to try to make that happen.
Distributor List:
Joshua Donelson
Joshua Donelson