Nice looking controls for PINK module

I have created some controls for the PINK module.
Pack contains leds, ledbars, analoge gauge.
PINK users can use them to show some outputs: leds, ledbar, values....
(see image properties of each control)
3mm red led on
3mm led off
5mm green led on

Make your own analoge gauge. white, yellow, red or green. With or without caption,ect.

Post Edited (Tumbler) : 10/27/2009 10:55:37 AM GMT
I have created some controls for the PINK module.
Pack contains leds, ledbars, analoge gauge.
PINK users can use them to show some outputs: leds, ledbar, values....
(see image properties of each control)

Make your own analoge gauge. white, yellow, red or green. With or without caption,ect.
Post Edited (Tumbler) : 10/27/2009 10:55:37 AM GMT
that's pretty cool looking! I wish I had a PINK so I could play with your fancy gauges and all.
thanks for sharing,
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
50 72 6F 6A 65 63 74 20 53 69 74 65
You don't have to know PHP for this. The only thing you need is a server who can handles PHP.
Just upload the unzipped PINK-PACK folder to it.
Now you can point to this folder to create a control.
Ex: var00 of the PINK = the outside temperature
var01 the inside temp.
In html we create an image: <img src="yourhost/PINK/horizontalgauge.phpv=<Nb_var00>&c=Outside" /> shows a white meter with outside temp
<img src="yourhost/PINK/horizontalgauge.php?mc=y&v=<Nb_var01>&c=Inside" />
Now play with the PINK vars: and refresh the page...
(PHP is only used for the GD functions...)
Post Edited (Tumbler) : 10/27/2009 10:56:22 AM GMT
[img] PARALLAX 2x16&line2=GD2-display 1.0&light=off[/img]
<img src=" PARALLAX 2x16&line2=GD2-display 1.0&light=off" />
and Backlight on :
[img] Savage&line2=CIRCUITS&light=on[/img]
<img src=" Savage&line2=CIRCUITS&light=off" />
Or oops, too long text inputs...
[img] PARALLAX 2x16&line2=this is too long for me&light=off[/img]
<img src=" PARALLAX 2x16&line2=this is too long for me&light=off" />
Post Edited (Tumbler) : 10/27/2009 10:57:42 AM GMT
Nicely conceived and beautifully executed!
GD rocks!
Post Edited (Tumbler) : 10/27/2009 11:01:03 AM GMT
A lot of people are using my server now for the images...
Or can parallax put the files on his server?
Post Edited (Tumbler) : 11/8/2009 8:24:19 PM GMT
Hope you dont mind me saying but I've just spotted what may be a mistake on the Guage page on your website, where the pink guages source code shows colour=green instead of pink or red
Post Edited (skylight) : 11/10/2009 8:16:14 AM GMT
I'm working on a better version.
Looks like a panel version.
The goal is to create a setup that creates a html table(s) with controls.
Example see screenshot..
Each control has his own parameters, like text, switches, meters, display...
In this example, the switches are clickable... yihaaaa
It has only a annoying bug, screen flickers allot. but i'm working on it...
Very impressed with the panel above, good luck with it
Post Edited (skylight) : 11/10/2009 8:29:53 AM GMT
are you talking about the gaugetest.html page?
where you can see a red meter and the source shows color=green?
if so, the backlight turns to red if there is an error.
You can't take a red backlight for the meter. only a white, green, yellow, blue or no backlight.
Do you mean flash controls?
I will look for the source when I get home from work
i used the embed tag.
When showing the page, i see nothing.
When i take a look in the source of that page, there is an object (movie)
when i select it and do a rightclick on it, it shows 'movie not loaded'
Dunno what's wrong here...
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<div id="id19905">
Loading Flash movie...
<script type="text/javascript">
var so19905 = new SWFObject(" Bar2.swf", "movie19905", "750", "100", "6", "#FFFFFF");
so19905.addParam("loop", "true");
Pink Address
eod_punk the pink can support flash animations, though not sure how big, the animation i uploaded was a banner full screen length approx an inch width at the top of the webpage
Post Edited (skylight) : 11/12/2009 12:01:04 AM GMT
thanks for the code...
·can you post the swfobject javascript too?
I have downloaded some, but not the correct one, there are a lot of swf.. javascript files.
To create dynamic graphics you will need php. The pink is not supported php. So it wouldn't work.
I have tried a lot of methods to avoid caching, but it doesn't work here.
ex: with Action script, i look for the pink vars and show them in a textfield. this works.
when i change the pink vars, the textfield in flash stay(s) the same.
even after a refresh of the page.
When i clear my cache, the vars are showing correct. So it's a cache problem. and i don't know how to fix this.
adding the meta tags no cache or expires didn't work.
maybe if there is another way, please let me know...
I used a package to create the movie, so any technical questions regarding the creation of the movie are beyond me
can cache be turned off via your browser?
not sure if this helps if you have firefox
Post Edited (skylight) : 11/12/2009 2:50:11 PM GMT
Fixed it now, and working... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Modifying vars in another browserwindow will take effect in the swf movie now...
1) attached a zip file, unpack it and·change your ip in the file flashtest.html and upload all files it to your pink.
2) Disable caching in your browser [noparse]:([/noparse]howto:
3) Open flashtest.html in browser.
4) Open http://your pink ip/VV_Show.htm· in another browser window.
5) place both windows near eachother, so you can see the movie and the vars-page.
6) Modify or·set Default value for ·Nb_var00
·········· (choose a value between 43 and 413)
Now the needle has to move to new location.
<!-- Edit -->
You ROCK my friend!! Thank you very much for posting this info!!! Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!