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test code

Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
edited 2009-10-24 15:37 in General Discussion
····· *******Test Post********

I'm trying to write a simple test program to read and write to Winbond flash memory.· I'm using Mike Green's driver found at:

I cam·read the size of the flash memory but I can't write to it.

I've attached my demo code.· What am I doing wrong?

Duane Degn

Post Edited (Duane Degn) : 10/24/2009 3:42:57 PM GMT


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2009-10-21 16:13
    What am I doing wrong?
    Here's my try at a demo program using Mike Green's Winbond driver.
    It reads the size of memory successfully but it doesn't write to the flash memeory.
    {{  WinbondTest1a.spin
      Attempt at a demo program for Michael Green's
      Winbond flash driver.
             Vdd(+3.3V)           Vdd(+3.3V)
                                   
              ┌┫      W25X16A      ┌╋─┐
                                  │       
              ││ ┌────────────────┐││ │ 0.1µF        
        P0 ──┼┼─┤1 /CS    Vcc   8├┼┼─┻────── Vss
        P3 ──┼┻─┤2 DO     /Hold 7├┘│
              └──┤3 /WP    CLK   6├─┼──────── P1
              ┌──┤4 GND    DIO   5├─┻──────── P2    
                └────────────────┘  
                 Pullup resisters are 10K
       _clkmode  = xtal1 + pll16x
       _xinfreq  = 5_000_000
       _CS = 0
       _Clk = 1
       _DIO = 2
       _DO = 3
       _DebugBaud = 9600
      Debug : "FullDuplexSerialPlus"
      Win : "Winbond_Driver"
       long location
       byte buffer[noparse][[/noparse]128]
    PUB Main | localTemp
      Debug.Start(31, 30, 0, _DebugBaud)
      location := @buffer[noparse][[/noparse]0]
      localTemp := win.start(_CS, _Clk, _DIO, _DO, -1, -1)
      Debug.str(string(13, "Starting Winbond driver returned = "))
      localTemp := flashSize
      Debug.str(string(13, "flashSize = "))
      repeat localTemp from 0 to 127
        buffer[noparse][[/noparse]localTemp] := localTemp
      Debug.str(string(13, "buffer filled with squential numbers = "))
      repeat localTemp from 0 to 127
        Debug.hex(buffer[noparse][[/noparse]localTemp], 2)
        Debug.str(string(", "))
      Debug.str(string(13, "Write buffer to flash memory.  Then erase buffer from prop memory."))
      writeData($8000, location, 128)
      waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)
      byteFill(@buffer, 0, 128)
      Debug.str(string(13, "cleared buffer = "))
      repeat localTemp from 0 to 127
        Debug.hex(buffer[noparse][[/noparse]localTemp], 2)
        Debug.str(string(", "))
      Debug.str(string(13, "Restore buffer from flash memory.  Buffer = "))
      waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt)
      repeat localTemp from 0 to 127
        Debug.hex(buffer[noparse][[/noparse]localTemp], 2)
        Debug.str(string(", "))
    pub winStop
       return win.stop
    pub flashSize                     ' Return the size of the flash memory in bytes
      return win.flashSize
    pub readData(a,d,c)               ' Read a block of data from Flash
      return win.readData(a,d,c)
    pub writeData(a,d,c)              ' Write a block of data to erased Flash
      return win.writeData(a,d,c)
    pub eraseData(a)                  ' Erase a block of data
      return win.eraseData(a)
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2009-10-24 00:40
    This section is for testing your sig code, avatars, ect. You should post the questions to the Propeller Forum
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2009-10-24 15:37

    Thanks for the reply.· I didn't think anyone read these.· This was the first time I've posted code and wanted to make sure I posted it correctly before posting my question to the Propeller forum.· I should have made it clear it was a test message.

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