Cheaper shipping from Parallax.

Am I just being a bit dumb (don't answer that) and selecting the wrong thing, or is shipping to Australia from Parallax a bit pricey? ($55 usd minimum).
Can someone suggest a cheaper method?
Would someone consider taking delivery stateside and then on-sending to me? (not for free obviously)
I would love to buy more from Parallax, but am always disappointed when I click through and get another big $ for shipping - so much so that I have yet to buy, Postage would be almost 25% of the buy price..
Perhaps there is a better (cheaper) method for international shipping that could be suggested to Parallax, that when implemented would mean their sales would skyrocket....
And yes I now realise this should have been posted in the Sandbox.... Any way to move it?
The future is in our hands.
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Post Edited (pacman) : 10/21/2009 4:22:35 AM GMT
Can someone suggest a cheaper method?
Would someone consider taking delivery stateside and then on-sending to me? (not for free obviously)
I would love to buy more from Parallax, but am always disappointed when I click through and get another big $ for shipping - so much so that I have yet to buy, Postage would be almost 25% of the buy price..
Perhaps there is a better (cheaper) method for international shipping that could be suggested to Parallax, that when implemented would mean their sales would skyrocket....
And yes I now realise this should have been posted in the Sandbox.... Any way to move it?
The future is in our hands.
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Post Edited (pacman) : 10/21/2009 4:22:35 AM GMT
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
I've used Ron before and he is very helpful, but Ron's site doesn't seem to give me the 'complete picture'. Thus I don't know what's available and what isn't.
If only Ron kept one of everything........
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Priority Mail® International Small Flat-Rate Box
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Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge, Mar 20, 2010
Bugger, I ordered from them on Friday. If I'd known someone else wanted some gear we could have split the shipping. Mine was about $48 or thereabouts.
Yes, it is expensive. I often get stuff sent from the states for between 12 & 15 USD using EMS or USPS. <shrug>
It was worse before they offered the postal option. DHL used to charge a kidney.
I've suggested Aussies do pool shipping previously, but I had completely forgotten to ask if anyone wanted some gear while I was there.
lt's not particularly silly, is it?
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
Has all the parts I need and shipping appears to be cost price, ie nominal. Re Thus I don't know what's available and what isn't. - which parts do you need?
lt's not particularly silly, is it?
The problem with Airmail ($5) and Global priority Mail (the $13 option) is that neither comes with a tracking number. The cheapest trackable option is EMS, with is $30 and you have to go to the post office.
Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
Luck for us (at least in WA) is that EMS comes around in a van and delivers to your door. Only have to go to the post office if you miss the delivery.
lt's not particularly silly, is it?
Or start a club and sell the products yourself so that way they can be subsidized while other can have fun too.· You might actually have fun teaching this stuff.· It might be a good way to network and make friends.
·I received an international order through the post.
Post Edited (Chuckz) : 10/21/2009 1:03:13 PM GMT
I originally tried to go through the so-called local distributor here, but upon visiting their facility, it turned out it was a house-based store, which I·absolutely have no problem with, but no one was home when I dropped by during the day (yeah, should have called, first).· Moreover, they also don't actually stock Propeller-related components and stated they would need to order them (which takes 3 weeks).· Then, upon trying to place an order with them·via an·e-mail (after confirming·details in an earlier e-mail), it took a full week (yes, 7 days) to get an acknowledgement, and by that time I had given up and decided to go with Nick's·store·and Rayman's board instead of separate parts, which, all-in-all probably worked out well for me in the end.· At the time of my order, Parallax's website recommended·using local distributors for·many of us outside the US; however, such are not always that accessible or·dependable.· I wish that there was a direct shipping option from Parallax for us abroad, but I can understand if that's not feasible.··Like Pacman·mentioned, I also thought of first shipping to·someone in the US·(family member, etc.), since shipping is so convenient and·inexpensive within the US, and then having them forward the package onward.· Hmm...maybe Nick or someone could start a "forwarding service" for that.· Anyway, I wish you luck, Pacman.· I feel your pain.· --Jim
All International shipping are expensive DHL and FEDEX are just the same.
If the truth was known it suits Parallax, it gives their local agents a bit more of a margin.
The problem I have is that none of the agents that I have approached could supply all the parts that I requred.
That is not to say they would not order them for me, but at a price.
I have approached two in Malaysia, one in Singapore. The Australia agents are expensive, altough RN sells a Prop Chip EEprom and Xtal package at good price.
They also require a cash deposit direct to their bank account.
At least the strength of the Ozzy is helping. So we should not complain.
I understand that Parallax want to offer a good solution (If I was buying a robot kit or similar then I probably would want tracking) and that from a business perspective they want to track stuff.
I also don't mind that the local agents make a living.
I was thinking of having a play with the new liquid level sensor strip thingy, but when the price of shipping is more than the item.......
And Ron does offer good service (and the new sensor strip thingy) - whoever pointed out the link to his pricelist - thanks, but like you say "none of the agents that I have approached could supply all the parts that I required" does seem to hold true....
I guess I get excited each time I see free shipping as a weekend special - only to be disappointed when it's to mainland USA only.
And I was hoping I was missing the obvious "don't charge international customers an arm and a leg shipping option" selection button when ordering. It appears I wasn't....
The future is in our hands.
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I wonder why Australia is under-served: There are ton of Australians signed up on Gadget Gangster and it seems like there are a lot of hobbyists there. The guy who did The Trons is from New Zealand which is almost Australia. The guy that writes the Arduino column in Nuts And Volts is from AU, too.
Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
I've found Ron Nollet carries stuff that is not listed on his website - just give him a call. Also, he is very quick and very helpful.
Stilll, there would be no harm in a bit more competiton.
Catalina - a FREE C compiler for the Propeller - see Catalina
Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
But you·can·call me micro.
Want to·experiment with the SX or just put together a cool project?
SX Spinning light display·
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If you haven't already contacted Ron Nollet, he's your best option this time. Ron is very helpful and full of knowledge. His website doesn't convey what he actually has access to. I've ordered many parallax bits outside the usual range. I've always been happy dealing through Ron.
I find myself ordering heaps from Sparkfun just because they post small boxes for somthing like $4. They take a week to get here. They have serial LCDs like what you're after. If Parallax did the same I would do the same, though it might further upset their distribution network. However the traditional style distribution network is on borrowed time IMHO, certainly for places like AU.
Another option is rent a virtual mailbox from MyUS. They accept deliveries by post, courier etc and forward it on via DHL when you tell them to. Delivery is quick - I often tell them to ship Friday night AEST and goods usually arrive Monday lunchtime. $50-$80 typically. It gives you access to US ebay, free samples from the IC manufacturers, free amazon shipping etc. You can have multiple names on the mail box (so you could share the costs with other enthusiasts).
*edit: myus shipping rates included in img below
Post Edited (Tubular) : 10/22/2009 4:38:43 AM GMT
BUT his Website is Smile(just my swerve on that, you allmight disagree) He dosent have a lot of stuff youll find on the parallax site but he'd order it if you wanted it. One thing, he charged $24 for the prop i ordered. I thought the prop was about $8 US
Before I bought the Prop I was going to buy an AVR 8535 chip and a basic compiler. Im happy i didn't.
The AVR chip is $40 here at J-Car my local electronics store. What is it that makes this chip worth $40 ?
It must do some pretty cool stuff ? I could buy a few props for that money.
Fourtunitely, there is an excellent distributor in Japan.
And I get Propeller-chip and etc with reasonable price from it. But cannnt get all parallax-products.
In Japan, Propeller chip is minor.
Major are PIC, AVR, 78K0,H8 during hobbyst.
Hard to get chip is still minor chip.
I wish Propeller become major. But postage is too expensive.
No Solution.
By the way, where and when does you know your icon's picture Mr RossH?
In Japan it is called "Tetsujin 28 gou".
Selectronic sells some Parallax products , but far from all parallax-products and expensive.
We need a retailer in Europe ,selling in Euros and giving information in English (not German or Flemish ): i have tried one in England but selling in pounds and another in Holland , speaking Flemish : hard to understand !
Look at this webshop in Sweden ......
You can buy in Euro prices and have info in English.
Nothing is impossible, there are only different degrees of difficulty.
For every stupid question there is at least one intelligent answer.
Don't guess - ask instead.
If you don't ask you won't know.
If your gonna construct something, make it·as simple as·possible yet as versatile as posible.
It sells in pound, but he is really friendly and helpful.
Moreover with respect to Italian sellers he is much cheaper.
Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
But you·can·call me micro.
Want to·experiment with the SX or just put together a cool project?
SX Spinning light display·
Want cheap wholesale electronic parts?
Transistor parts wholesale
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
That is where the bulk of the savings are... sending one $60 box across rather than multiple $40-$50 ones from different suppliers.
Happy to discuss anytime but heading o/s on Tuesday so might be harder to contact.
My name is Ronald Nollet
I have been the local disty for Parallax in Australia now for 14 years.
Thnx for all the kind words from some of you.
We try very hard..
A little background info for you all .
Untill 4 years ago importing the Parallax range of products was a side line for us.
I was employed full time as well ..working as techo in the automation area.
3 1/2 years ago ·when Parallax released the Propeller it was time I thought for me
to chuck in the well paid day time job and concentrate on selling the wonderfull Parallax range of products.
There were various of them was to try and save me staying sane as well (working long hours)
and trying to have a life as well with a ever growing family...
So now I am self employed selling Parallax and a few other more industrial automation related products.
The people at Parallax have been very kind to us over the years and we have a great relationship with them.
So we order just about weekly and we offer the best price possible.
So if you need something and like to save on shipping let us know please..
Also for your info people out there.
So now untill we run out of these dip Propeller chips we sell them with an EEProm and crystal for $22.00 Ozzie dollars.
That is for 1..5 qty...
New qty orders are calculated using the present exchange rate and shipping costs.
So give us a big order and you will be presently surprised.(LOL) ..
My hourly rate as an techo/engineer is way more then· the profit we make on 10 orders for 1 or 2 Propeller chips
So you dont need to be a rocket scientist to work out what our priorities are here.(time is money.)
We treasure all orders and we look after our customers ..we dont just sell ..we support as well.
cheers to all.
Ronald Nollet
see our PropBus system at
WAS 0.60 OR SO
And as of today, the exchange rate is 0.904.
So - the US price has dropped, and the exchange rate has got a lot better. Hmm - maybe I can start thinking about boards that have two propellers on them?
FWIW, all my prop chips have come from Mr Nollet, and I've been extremely happy with the service.
I totally understand your pricing. I bought some prop chips from DigiKey (with other parts too). The cost was $12.99 and shipping doubled the price, and the dollar was about .62c At least it's a hobby for me and not many chips involved.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
It's just for me the web site doesn't seem to render properly (e.g. the link to his Educational Page just gives me a white page with the text 'stamps in class' - that's it, nothing else).
So when I see NeatOh gizmo on Parallax, and can't find it on Ron's site then I started to think that {perhaps} Ron just dabbles with this stuff and wasn't serious after all. Ron's comments below make me see him in a different (more professional Propeller re-seller) light.
IMHO, Ron needs to put in a little bit more effort into his web site - for starters I would put a BIG "If it's available on the PARALLAX web site, It's available through me - just email" banner somewhere OBVIOUS.
Now I'm not a web designer, so perhaps the problem is at my end....
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
We have two kinds of distributors at Parallax: (a) long-term loyal friends who operate small shops yet serve a whole country, like Ron Nollet; and (b) big companies who want to dominate entire countries yet have no capability to answer a question and require months or even years to update their Parallax product line. Small guys pay us. Big guys think they get automatic N90 days terms (I've fired major distributors in the past for walking on us).
Truthfully, the small guys stick with us very well. Employees at big companies leave and our contacts often break, causing us to start over again with the training, familiarization, etc. It's usually better for our customers in countries out of the USA to have service from the small guys. It's true that we don't have any exclusive arrangements anywhere, too. We've had requests from larger distributors in Oz but they've not been accepted by our sales/marketing team for whatever reasons. I don't make those decisions anymore, but we don't trade long-term slow-growing partners for big short-term gains. We value the stability, consistency and the friendships we develop along the way. But that doesn't cloud our business sense, I assure you. If we feel Ron were taking advantage of a situation I'd probably be in Oz talking to new suppliers.
You may think "ah, come on, give us a broad-line chip distributor in Oz so our managers {if you have one} can take the Propeller seriously". This may not work well for either of us. Prices increase; they don't hold stock, and their training/support expectations often can't be met by Parallax.
We support Ron as reliable, fair, trustworthy, and consistent. Please order from RTN. We'll continue to sell direct as necessary everywhere, but our preference is that customers buy through distributors.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.