Prop PCB
Posts: 265
I have just finished the PCB for my Eddy Current Analyzer and would like to ask if some of you would look at it and see if there are any problems with the PCB. I used the 40 pin prop. I hope I didn't make any big errors. I used ExpressPCB. I provided a bitmap as well.
Thank You,
I have just finished the PCB for my Eddy Current Analyzer and would like to ask if some of you would look at it and see if there are any problems with the PCB. I used the 40 pin prop. I hope I didn't make any big errors. I used ExpressPCB. I provided a bitmap as well.
Thank You,
If posible ... Not use any 90'' angles on traces
Only traces that conenct to other can have 90'' angles
Nothing is impossible, there are only different degrees of difficulty.
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If your gonna construct something, make it·as simple as·possible yet as versatile as posible.
These are just my first impressions. I did not examine the board in enough detail to discover any other issues.
Ditto Phil's comments about bypass caps.
For neatness i'd line up the 3.3v and 5v regs, and use the same package cap for both - i.e you have one rectangular and one round.·· Just looks more professional.· I'd add more bypass caps to the regulator input/output too - just for good measure really.
Also - the circuit traces are not straight near C3.· Just looks more professional.
For ease of connection later - consider putting some writing on the board in trace.
Dunno what ADC you're using but otherwise looks ok.
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge, Mar 20, 2010
Also make sure the tabs on your voltage regulators really are ground...
You do want caps near all the Vdd pins on the Prop chip... Probably need one beside your ADC chip and the EEPROM chip too...
My Prop Info&Apps: ·
Many great suggestions. The caps on the Vdd, where do you put them? From Vdd to ground? Also great idea in putting headers for extra pins for later. Where should cap go on the EPROM? I'll put the ground plate on bottom and the traces on top.
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I have a question on the placement of parts if I have a two sided PCB. If I have the traces on the top and the ground plane on the bottom, do the parts go on the top layer? I hope this is not a stupid question.
The only reason to possibly put parts on the side of the ground plane is if they are susceptible to em interference or would create em interference on the traces.
If using through hole like you are I would place the parts on the side of the ground plane.
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Again, this is meant as a question, not an "answer".
1) What is current requirement and how much heat will be generated.
2) is he planning to use heat sinks. They are made for D2 Pack and press on for ics.
3) how big is coper trace under heat sink.
With surface mount parts my regulators are always layed down. I usually use switching regulators for any voltage drop greater then 3v so my heat is usually not that big. Also I make sure I have a large copper trace underneath the regulators heat sink tab usually on both sides of the pcb but not on inner layers.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
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Which side to put the ground plane on is a toss up, I think, if you're having the board made with a solder mask. Without a solder mask, you have to consider where the potential for shorts is greatest and avoid that side. On top, there's the risk of parts shorting against a bare metal ground plane. On the bottom, there's a risk of creating shorts from solder bridges.
If you use SMDs atop a two-sided board, though, putting the ground plane on the bottom is the only sane choice.
I really learning from you experts. I have made a few changes. I put a header to have access to three pins in case I need them, I put a 2 pin header for 5V and one for 3.3 V, and I put a cap (C6) on Vdd of prop chip. Let me know if these changes are OK?
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
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