baudmode for 115200 baudrate.
Posts: 9
Hi, Good Morning
I'm currently doing a project using BS2 to send sms message thru' a teltonika modem. When using hyperterminal, the baud rate is set to 115200 and text messages can be send out to the target handphone. I have use MAX232 to interface between the BS2 serial com to the modem.
What should be the baudmode for a baud rate of 115200 when using the serout command.? The basic commands manual only display baudmode from T2400 to N4800. Can BS2 support higher baud rate ?. I'm using a PICAXE programming editor mode 08M and option at 4MHz . Please advise. Thank You.
I'm currently doing a project using BS2 to send sms message thru' a teltonika modem. When using hyperterminal, the baud rate is set to 115200 and text messages can be send out to the target handphone. I have use MAX232 to interface between the BS2 serial com to the modem.
What should be the baudmode for a baud rate of 115200 when using the serout command.? The basic commands manual only display baudmode from T2400 to N4800. Can BS2 support higher baud rate ?. I'm using a PICAXE programming editor mode 08M and option at 4MHz . Please advise. Thank You.
If you find that there's no way to change the Baud to something slower, then you'll have to use something like a Propeller which can handle rates that fast.
A delay wouldn't help. The problem is that the individual bits come too fast.
The·hyper terminal requires a control-z to end the text message but I·have·use ascii code $03·(end of text)·as I couldn't find control-z in the ascii table. Anyone knows of any alternative ascii code to end text besides control-z.
control-A is $01, control-B is $02, control-C is $03, and so on. control-Z is $1A.
If you continue to have problems, you really need to show a drawing of the connections you are using and, if you're using the BS2 at the time, include the source file of your program. Use the "Post Reply" button and attach your files using the Attachment Manager.
(Inverted baudmodes are for when one end is RS232 'compliant' and the other is TTL/CMOS.)
label_14:·if pin1=1 then label_14
··serout 0,T2400,("AT+CMGF=1",CR)
··pause 2000
··serout 0,T2400,("AT+CSCA=",$22,"+6598540020",$22,CR)
··pause 2000
··serout 0,T2400,("AT+CMGS=",$22,"+6592296522",$22,CR)
··pause 2000
··serout 0,T2400,("hi",$1A)
··goto label_14
Other than that, what you've given looks ok. You're using Stamp 2.0 syntax in the IF statement which is a hold over from the BS1. There is a "fancier" syntax available (Stamp 2.5) described in the Manual.
Compile Error...
Error: Illegal character: ('[noparse][[/noparse]' (0x5B))
By the way, I'm using 08-M PICAXE microcontroller. The maximum baud rate using serout is 2400. 08-M is programmed using PBASIC.
The receiver and transmitter do not use commands. The transmitter has a logic input pin and, when that is high, the transmitter is on. When it's low, the transmitter is off. The receiver has a logic output pin which is high when it receives a signal and low when there's no signal detected. Normally the transmitter is controlled by an asynchronous serial datastream (like from a SEROUT statement) and the receiver is used with a SERIN statement. See the documentation and sample code for details.
These are RF modules. They use RF for communications.
The 500 ft range is "line of sight". It's when the receiver has a clear "view" of the transmitter and represents a best case situation. Any obstacles in the way like trees, rain, buildings, walls, etc. will absorb some of the signal and reduce the range.
serin 1,N2400,("!"),B3,B2,B5,B4
/***below is a working source code to send out sms
It's normal for the receiver to respond to noise when the transmitter is not transmitting. The transmitted signal overrides much of the noise. Unless the transmitter is running all the time, there will always be some noise and some errors, particularly when the receiver is not close to the transmitter. That's why it's important to include some error checking in your code.
'BASIC converted from flowchart:
'Untitled Flowchart:1
'Converted on 11/5/2009 at 15:40:44
High 0
Pause 150
label_14:·if pin1=1 then label_14
SYMBOL x = w1
SYMBOL y = w2
PULSOUT 1, 300
serout 1,N2400,("!",B3,B2,B5,B4)
Pause 150
x = x+1
y = y+1
Pause 150
GOTO label_14
What's connected to those I/O pins? When you say "doesn't work", what do you mean?