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PCB Connectors — Parallax Forums

PCB Connectors

Gerry ShandGerry Shand Posts: 45
edited 2009-10-16 16:52 in General Discussion
Hey All:

I am looking to resurrect an old project that has two circuit boards that slide into a project case. Interconnections in the past were done with wires and it works but it also introduces a big PITA factor.

When I worked as a field service engineer on VFDs, we had a system that interconnected circuit boards where you would bolt the boards together with stand offs and then slide an interconnecting jumper in between the two boards. It would slide through the top board and snugly plug into the bottom board.

Does anyone know where I could find something like this. The local vendors give me a blank stare and I am sure the part is in Digi-Key but you know how extensive their selection is.

Thanks in advance for your help.



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