Getting Started - Spin vs Pasm
Posts: 5,484
I wonder if someone would be kind enough to look at the attached code. This is for a board with a number of latches. I started with Spin, then translated it to Pasm, and had it at one stage able to latch three of the latches independently in pasm. The code was built up one line at a time and worked perfectly every line. Then, something went wrong with the code and it all stopped working. I've progressively commented out bits of code till there is almost nothing left. I've narrowed it down to two pieces of code - one is Spin and one is Pasm and I think they ought to do the same thing - set pins 0-7 high. Spin works but the Pasm code sets these pins low?!
Full code is below (warts and all, mostly commented out now), but for testing purposes, I'm commenting out one or other of these lines:
I'm learning heaps as I go and it is great fun.
I'm sure there is a simple explanation, and help would be most appreciated.
Full code is below (warts and all, mostly commented out now), but for testing purposes, I'm commenting out one or other of these lines:
cognew(@Address, 0) 'Launch new cog and run Latch program ' Send_Test_Byte
I'm learning heaps as I go and it is great fun.
I'm sure there is a simple explanation, and help would be most appreciated.
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 VAR ' list of variables byte Output_Byte OBJ ' list of objects to include and their names PUB Main Setup_138 ' A16_18Low cognew(@Address, 0) 'Launch new cog and run Latch program ' Send_Test_Byte repeat ' if just end then leaves pins tristated and this puts random bytes into latches and makes debugging harder PRI Setup_138 DIRA :=%00000000_00000000_00011100_11111111 ' setup data lines and HC138 lines as outputs PRI A16_18Low OutLong := Zero ' Data byte to 00000000 OutLong := Outlong | AddressHigh ' Logical OR with Address High HC138 address OUTA := OutLong ' send it out OutLong := Outlong & HC138Mask ' Logical AND set HC130 to zero and keep data as is OUTA := OutLong ' send it out OUTA := Zero ' set pins back to zero - not really needed PRI Send_Test_Byte Outlong := TestByte OUTA :=OutLong DAT ORG 0 ' Begin at Cog RAM addr 0 Address ' change A0-A15 (A16-18 always low) mov OutLong, TestByte ' put the address into the output long ' or OutLong, HC138Mask ' happens to be the right one eg high byte =zero ' or OutLong, AddressLow ' sets HC138 to 010 and sets low A0-A7 address latch low mov outa, OutLong ' send it out ' nop ' nop ' nop ' and OutLong,HC138Mask ' set 138 back to 0 but leave data as is, latches on +ve pulse ' mov outa,OutLong ' send it out ' nop ' nop ' nop ' mov OutLong,TestByte ' send out a byte to the middle address A8-A15 ' shr OutLong,#8 ' shift right by 8 bits ' or OutLong,AddressMid ' or with the 138 address ' mov outa,OutLong ' send it out ' and OutLong,HC138Mask ' set 138 back to 0 but leave data as is, latches on +ve pulse ' mov outa,Outlong ' send it out ' dira all to zero again when ends 'terminates here and cog finishes ' data tables and assembly code 'variable1 long 0 ' variable 1 = 4 bytes HC138Mask long %00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111 ' Mask for 138 xxx000xx chip to reset with an and Zero long %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 TestByte long %00000000_00000000_00000000_11111111 ' test byte for output TestAddress long %00000000_00000000_11111111_10101011 ' test sending out this Word OutLong long %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 ' the output pins - working register AddressLow long %00000000_00000000_00001000_00000000 ' xxx010xx is low address AddressMid long %00000000_00000000_00001100_00000000 ' xxx011xx is mid address AddressHigh long %00000000_00000000_00010000_00000000 ' xxx100xx is high address (always 000 for 64K CP/M)
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Firstly, you need to setup DIRA also in the PASM section as that will be in another COG, and they start as INPUT.
Secondly, you need to put an infinite loop at the end of the PASM code, otherwise it'll execute whatever is in memory after it.
If you use a COGSTOP it will not only stop the cog, but will clear DIRA and OUTA.
Hope that helps,
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Scratch that you are starting PASM there.
For me, the past is not over yet.
Yes, that fixed it. Many thanks!
I put this at then end
Down the track I'd be wanting to stop the cog though. Is there a 'correct' way to do this? Eg if multiple cogs are running and I just grab the next available one to run this code on, do I need to get the cogid before stopping the cog and do I then need a long delclared somewhere to store this id before doing a cogstop? Is there a standard bit of code that does this?
Post Edited (Dr_Acula) : 10/14/2009 10:33:26 PM GMT
I think what you want is a cog that can be told to set a set of latches with values?
If so, then look at the TriBlade driver (or patatoheads TV driver). They just wait for a command and then execute it and return to wait for the next command.
Can you post a block diag of the latching sections?
If you want you can email me or phone today.
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Next little problem is how to do calls. See the attached code. If I comment out the call and endless loop at the beginning, and include the endless loop at the end of the code, it all works correctly just falling through the code from top to bottom.
But if I have the code as posted, it compiles ok but the latch code is not working. I worked out the _ret bit from the manual and putting in the #, but I think I might be missing something else with respect to calls.
Attached is the schematic (rename as a pdf) which is essentially a workaround to get more pins.
The adress you use in cognew is the adress where cognew starts to load the code from. So, in your code you don't have the call instruction in the COG RAM at all. Same in the post before ... no call, no endless loop.
The other problem is that this way you loaded code into COG-RAM adress 0 which originally was meant for adress 1. So, all used in the PASM no longer match with the location. For example mov dira, PinHigh no longer points to PinHigh-label but to the long following PinHigh. The label Endlessloop has been compiled to be 3, but you load the jmp to adress 2. So, it's no longer an endless-loop, it jumps to the nop ... and the ret goes to 'who knows' [noparse]:o[/noparse])
Post Edited (MagIO2) : 10/15/2009 6:46:15 AM GMT
It is·a good idea to·use a gate pin on·the 74xx138 as when the input lines change (because of inherant delays) you are likely to get·unwanted glitches on the '138's outputs.
You can double up·using SDA or SCL to free up a pin for the gate on the '138. If gate pin·has a pullup and you use an inverted gate select, then the '138 will output all 1's when de-gated.
I see others have already found your pasm call problem.
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Don't forget, each time you load the cog to do this, you are re-loading 496 longs from hub, even if your cog·code is short. So you are best to let it continue to run in one form or another.
The other issue you will run into shortly, is trying to pass parameters to "DataAddress" from spin. You have to pass the address of a variable "varDataAddress"·via par and use rdlong to get at it.
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To Cluso, yes studying the internal gate structure of the HC138 now
Propogation delays *ought* to be the same , and indeed it does latch correctly at PASM speeds, but I can see your point too.
Hmm - if you use the gate to turn the 138 on and off, (either 4,5 or 6), and there are two free pins on the HC138 (Y0 and Y7), then instead of defaulting to Y0 which is not connected, you could put /WR on Y0 and /RD on Y7, gate with the now free pin 13 on the prop, and this leaves pin 14 free on the prop. Hmm - that could be useful for an analog input or output.
And good points re keeping the cog running. And yes, soon I might be asking about how to pass parameters (though I think there are other active threads on this topic). First, I want to send a byte to a ram chip and read it back.
If the /write line is high, is the standard way to toggle it to do an xor with 0001000 and then another xor with 0001000? Uses one less long than doing an AND with 1110111 then an OR with 0001000 as you only need to store one mask, right?
Post Edited (Dr_Acula) : 10/15/2009 12:28:55 PM GMT
It seems to work. Same length of code as xor, but more 'definite', as you say. I like that!
Re the 138. IIRC you have the /CS to the ram on the 138, so you cannot also have the /rd & /wr there as well.
Re your toggle code above... the nop delay is probably not required, depending on the ram, as you have already set up the data and /cs, so the /wr can be shorter. Biggest thing is to make sure you do not have /rd (/oe) selected and cause a bus conflict on the data pins (prop out and ram out).
Remember, you can use 1 (not both) SDA or SCL because you need to ensure you do not accidentally send a correct sequence to the eeprom. See the RamBlade schematic.
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I'll test it without the delay and see how it goes.