Mysterious reset error on the Propeller!
Posts: 2,461
In my current project there are 2 Propellers that are hooked together. There is 2 serial lines between them and the power is shared. They are Parallax USB Protoboards and they are running software that writes to EEPROM, compiles writing, takes keyboard input, etc. The keyboard is also shared because the data and clock lines are connected to pins on both boards. The power source is a parallax 750mA power converter. For some reason, after much successful programming, I programmed the other propeller for communication for it had been just sitting though connected for all of the other experiments. Then for some reason the Propeller started resetting about every 7 seconds. I then gave the second Propeller it's own power source and even plugged it into·a seperate outlet and it still resets! If I disconnect the serial lines so that THERE IS NO CONNECTION BETWEEN THEM THEY STILL RESET! The ONLY CONNECTION STILL BETWEEN THEM is an INDIRECT connection of the tv port and the keyboard, which are shared. The thing is that if I turn the one (unprogrammed one)·of them off the other STILL RESETS!! Then it will stop and not reset for a long time, and I think that it is over, and then for some strange reason IT STARTS AGIAN!!!! I CANNOT figure out what it is that is causing it, for there seems to be no connection between when it does it and when it does not. I even wiped the first ones EEPROM with a fake program and the problem still persists!! There is no code that causes it to reset, so I don't know what it could be. PLEASE HELP!!!
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My Prop Info&Apps: ·
Oh, and the power to the keyboard is not shared. Just the clock and data lines.
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No DON'T post this code, just try a simple program though and rule out software as a cause.
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Computers are microcontrolled.
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P.S. You need to keep this code simple to rule out as I said that it is a software issue. If it still resets then disconnect the reset line to see if it's coming from that source. The only other source really is the supply.
My Prop Info&Apps: ·
The reason it's just now showing up for you is that you've got two USB protoboards, only one of which is connected to the PC at a time, right? A simple test is this: get a second USB cable, connect both boards to the PC at once, and see if it goes away. If so, visit the other thread and its links for a description of the issue and a solution.
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