Looking at I2C with my new scope - A question
Posts: 943
Alright, so I have been playing around with the DS1060 from the back of the Nuts & Volts magazine that arrived today.· Been trying to get some practice in·with it since my only other scope was a 1/2 functional beast from Tectronics (type 453) and it never was much help with digital.· So anyway I hooked it to the I2C bus on·my Propteus·board to watch the boot code load and fiddle.· I was a little surprised at what I·saw.· For some reason·my clock line looks good, nice, solid square wave but with some ringing.· The Data line however looks like·camel humps with slowly rising·traces and the short ACK pulses are just half-humps not even making it up to 3V.· I've attached a photo of·what I'm seeing.· What is weird to me is that both lines have the same pull-up (10K) so I'm not sure why one is so sharp and the other so sloppy.· Is that saying that a lower value pull-up would help?
I spent many happy years with a 453, by the way.· It was just fine for nearly anything digital, and I was the envy of the other engineers who had slower scopes.· Now I use a 475A and usually find its slow-it-down feature very useful.
· -- Carl, nn5i@arrl.net
I checked another board and it shows the same deal, and it's assembly instructions called for 10K resistors.· I wasn't seeing it before because my I2C code is only running at 22KHz so everything looks much cleaner until you drop the timebase down.· I'll swap in some 4.7
I just swapped in 2 4.7K's for the 10Ks and the rise time is now about 480ns instead of 1.9us. So it's not getting so close the rising clock edge before data's finished rising.
I'll remember that going forward. I just saw 10Ks on a lot of schematics and didn't think much of it.
· -- Carl, nn5i@arrl.net