Another Slot Game
· This is a BS2 Homework Board-based slot game.· The display is the uOLED-128-G1 purchased from Parallax.· The display's on board micro-SD card is used to store the bitmaps.· The slot cylinders are animated by offsetting the memory address pointer of the 32x32 pixel images.· The background was drawn using MS Paint and Photoshop was used for lighting effects.· The user input device is a Radio Shack perfboard equipped with two tactile switches and a spring return lever switch.· The pull-down resistors are mounted on the Homework Board along with a piezo speaker.· There is a earlier version of this game featured on Hack a Day ( filed under "Toy Hacks").··· Here is the link to the YouTube video
Post Edited (Mikerocontroller) : 10/10/2009 8:56:38 AM GMT
Post Edited (Mikerocontroller) : 10/10/2009 8:56:38 AM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
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