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Debug and displaying "*" at a specific location — Parallax Forums

Debug and displaying "*" at a specific location

tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
edited 2009-10-17 00:43 in Propeller 1
Need just a little help.· Trying to display a "*" at a "x, y" location on the debug screen.

I tried to use CRSRXY (2 based on "FullDuplexSerialPlus") but it generates a "constant" error when I use variables i.e. "x, y"

Debug.str(string(2, x, y, "*"))

Any suggestions on displaying a "*" at a variable location (x, y)???

Thanks a bunch.




  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2009-10-09 00:14
    FDX is only a serial protocol. The commands required to position the cursor depends on the program being used at the other end (e.g. a PC program). FDX will not do this for you.

    The error is complaining about the syntax... This is how you would achieve sending the string, but probably is not the whole solution you are after.


    Of course you could make this a routine and pass it the parameters from a single line call.

    Links to other interesting threads:

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    · Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
    My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2009-10-09 00:36
    I assume you're using the BASIC Stamp DEBUG screen, right? If so, this is how you do it. (CRSRXY takes binary arguments, not decimal.)


    To move it from that location, be sure to do a CRSRLF, followed by a " ", first, to erase if from its current position.

  • SamMishalSamMishal Posts: 468
    edited 2009-10-09 00:58

    I think what you are trying to do is display a * on the debug screen but at a particular location.

    It is not that you are trying to display a * and then the values of the variables X and

    If that is the case then what you did does not work. Because the Debug.Str() would send that
    stuff as bytes to be displayed to the screen.

    What you need is to send COMMANDS to the Parallax Serial Terminal whose codes are 2 then the X value then the
    Y value. This will position the cursor to the X,Y coordinate THEN you send it the * as a character to display

    You have to transmit to the Parallax Serial Terminal the following sequences

    ·· Debug.Tx(Debug#CRSRXY)····· 'command to position the cursor at X,Y....its code is 2
    ·· Debug.Tx(X)························ 'actual X
    ·· Debug.Tx(Y)························ 'actual Y
    ·· Debug.Tx("*")······················ 'print *

    So you do not have to do this every time you can have a method to do this e.g.

    Pri XY_Char(X,Y,C)
    ·· Debug.Tx(Debug#CRSRXY)····· 'command to position the cursor at X,Y
    ·· Debug.Tx(X)························ 'actual X
    ·· Debug.Tx(Y)························ 'actual Y
    ·· Debug.Tx(C)·· ····················· 'print the character

    You can then use the method as you need eg. XY_Char(X,Y,"*")


  • tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
    edited 2009-10-09 01:16

    I am using the propeller.· Thanks.

    Will try all suggestions up to this point.· Thanks.

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2009-10-09 02:11

    It doesn't matter which controller is sending data to the PC. All that matters is what's running on the PC to interpret that data. I frequently use the BASIC Stamp DEBUG screen with the Prop, since it's able to interpret those special commands. I assume the Propeller Terminal is the same, but I don't use it, so I can't comment with any authority.

  • SamMishalSamMishal Posts: 468
    edited 2009-10-09 03:54
    Hi Bob,

    I just got home and wrote this program to illustrate what you want to do
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      Debug    : "FullDuplexSerialPlus"
    PUB Main|x
      waitcnt(ClkFreq*2+cnt)  'wait a bit to give time to activate the Serial terminal
      repeat x from 0 to 10
    Pub XY_Char(X,Y,C)


  • tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
    edited 2009-10-10 01:02


    Thanks!!! Your code worked as advertised. As you might have guessed, I am trying to convert an object from BS2 to spin. The object is "PING)))Dar". Go to "forums", "stamps in class", "stamps in class, mini projects", "PING)))Dar, a radar style display". I saw this a few weeks ago and have proceeded very well in converting the code. At least until I tried to convert polar coordinates (d > angle) to Cartesian coordinates (x,y).· I looked for a post that might have done this already, but came up empty.· But that's alright; I am learning a lot.

    I have attached my spin code to this post. This code is just an experiment for the conversion process (polar to Cartesian). I will post the finally code when I get everything working. The code produces a "*" at erratic locations. I know the problem has to do with Float32, and my syntax.· I am trying to produce an "ARC" across the debug screen. This is the last piece of the puzzle.·· I have PING scanning and ranging, with a resolution of about 2.8 degrees. I hope that some of you "higher" intellects might be able to provide a solution. Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. Have a good (cold) one.


  • tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
    edited 2009-10-10 01:09

    My last post contained spin code with multiple errors.· This one should compile.

  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2009-10-10 05:39
    Hello Bob,

    you have to do ALL the math in float. You mixed up integer and float

    the constant pi is already a float. So ywith ur codeline

         x := (pi/180) * angle ' convert to radians in order to use float32 sin/cos

    you already get wrong results.

    a 32bit INTEGER all 32bits mean 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 + 2^3 .... 2^32

    In the floatroutines 32bit represent something complete different than an integer.
    some of the 32bits represent a floating-point-value and some others represent a 10^x-factor

    best regards


    Post Edited (StefanL38) : 10/10/2009 6:35:37 AM GMT
  • mparkmpark Posts: 1,305
    edited 2009-10-10 08:53
    To expand a bit on what Stefan said, the Spin compiler doesn't really understand floating-point arithmetic.
    (pi/180) * angle
    is compiled as
    ( fp-constant-3.14159 integer-division int-constant-180 ) integer-mult integer-variable-angle
    Now "pi/180" is a constant expression, so you can write it as "constant(pi/180.0)" (the compiler can do fp arithmetic in constant expressions).
    The multiplication by angle is more difficult. You have to convert angle to floating-point and then call a floating-point multiply routine:
    f.fmul( constant(pi/180.0), f.ffloat(angle) )
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2009-10-10 13:30
    I think it's worth mentioning that the Prop is specifically designed to let you do this kind of thing without using floating point math -- there are math tables in the ROM for exactly this purpose, and integer math is both faster and less wasteful of Hub RAM than the floating point library.
  • simonlsimonl Posts: 866
    edited 2009-10-10 13:37
    I for one could sure use a good tutorial (dummies guide!) to integer math. I'm aware that the Prop has various tables, but I have NO idea how to use them, and wasn't aware that they could be used for integer math either!


    Announcement: To cut costs in the current economic climate, we have switched-off the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2009-10-10 15:51

    I did a search through the math-objects in the obex and found

    Dynamic Math Lib - Nav Optimized

    which provides the following functions:

    PUB  StrToQval(strP) : qV
         Action: Converts a String to Qs15_16 (Qvalue) format
     Parameters: Pointer to zero terminated ASCII string                               
         Result: Number in Qs15_16 Fixed-point Qvalue format              
    PUB  QvalToStr(qV) : strP
         Action: Converts a Qs15_16 (Qvalue) number into ASCII string
     Parameters: Number in Qs15_16 format                              
         Result: Pointer to zero terminated ASCII string             
    PUB  Qval(intP)
         Action: Converts a LONG Integer into  Qs15_16 Fixed-point format
     Parameters: LONG number               
         Result: Number in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  IntFracToQval(intP, fracP)
         Action: Converts 2 LONG registers containing Integer and Fraction
                 parts of a number into  Qs15_16 Fixed-point format in one
                 32-bit register  
     Parameters: - Integer part of the number
                 - Fraction part of the number as (fracP x 64K). E.g. 0.5 is
         Result: Number in Qs15_16 Fixed-point Qvalue format                   
    PUB  IangleToQval(iA)
         Action: Converts iAngle (4K=2Pi) into Qs15_16 Fixed-point Qvalue
                 in degrees    
     Parameters: Iangle as LONG integer (4096=2Pi)               
    PUB  QvalToIangle(qV)
         Action: Converts Qs15_16 Qvalue Angle [noparse][[/noparse]deg] to iAngle format Angle
     Parameters: Angle [noparse][[/noparse]deg] in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                               
         Result: Angle in iAngle (Index of Angle) format (4K=2Pi)                  
    PUB  DegToRad(dg)
         Action: Converts an angle in degrees into radians   
     Parameters: Angle as Qs15_16 Fixed-point format Qvalue              
         Result: Angle in radians in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  RadToDeg(dg)
         Action: Converts an angle in radians into degrees   
     Parameters: Angle in radians as Qs15_16 Fixed-point format Qvalue              
         Result: Angle in degrees in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  Q_EQ(arg1, arg2, eps)
         Action: Checks equality of two Qvalues within epsilon                                                    
     Parameters: - Value1
                 - Value2
                 - Epsilon    
         Result: True if (ABS(Value1-Value2) < Epsilon) else False           
    PUB  Q_GT(arg1, arg2, eps)
         Action: Checks that Value1 is greater or not than Value2 with a
                 margin of Epsilon                                                    
     Parameters: - Value1
                 - Value2
                 - Epsilon    
         Result: TRUE if (Value1-Value2)>Epsilon else FALSE               
    PUB  Qmul(arg1, arg2) : qV
         Action: Multiplies Qs15_16 Fixed-point numbers
     Parameters: Multiplicand and Multiplier in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                               
         Result: Product in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  Qdiv(arg1, arg2) : qV
         Action: Divides Qs15_16 Fixed-point Qvalue numbers
     Parameters: Divider and Dividant are in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                               
         Result: Quotient in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  Qmuldiv(arg1, arg2, arg3) : qV
         Action: Multiplies 2 Qvalues and divides the result with a Qvalue
                                            Arg1 * Arg2
                                  Result = -------------
     Parameters: Multiplier, multiplicand and divisor in Qs15_16 Fixed-point
         Result: Result in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  Qsqr(arg) : qV
         Action: Calculates the square root of a Qs15_16 Fixed-point number
     Parameters: Argument in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                                               
         Result: Square-root of argument in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format    
    PUB  SIN_Deg(qVd)
         Action: Calculates sine of Angle 
     Parameters: Angle [noparse][[/noparse]deg] in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format (Qvalue)                              
         Result: Sine of Angle in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format (Qvalue)                  
    PUB  COS_Deg(qVd)
         Action: Calculates cosine of Angle 
     Parameters: Angle [noparse][[/noparse]deg] in Qs15_16 format                                
         Result: Cosine of Angle in Qs15_16 format                   
    PUB  TAN_Deg(qVd)
         Action: Calculates tangent of Angle [noparse][[/noparse]deg] 
     Parameters: Angle [noparse][[/noparse]deg] in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                                
         Result: Tangent of Angle in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  Deg_ASIN(qVs) : qV
         Action: Calculates Angle of a Sine
     Parameters: Sine input value Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                                
         Result: Angle in degrees in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  Deg_ACOS(qVc) : qV
         Action:Calculates Angle of a Cosine 
     Parameters: Cosine input value Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                                
         Result: Angle in degrees in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  Deg_ATAN(qVt)
         Action: Calculates Angle of a Tangent 
     Parameters: Tangent value in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                                
         Result: Angle in degrees in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   
    PUB  Deg_ATAN2(qX, qY) : qV
         Action: Calculates Arc Tangent of an Angle in [noparse][[/noparse]deg] between
                 [noparse][[/noparse]-180,180] from the X, Y rectangular coordinates
     Parameters: X, Y rectangular coordinates in Qs15_16 iValue format                                
         Result: Angle [noparse][[/noparse]deg] in Qs15_16 format                   
    PUB  Qradius(qX, qY) : qR
         Action: Calculates Distance of point (X,Y) from the origo  
     Parameters: X, Y Descartes coordinates in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                                
         Result: Distance from the origo in Qs15_16 Fixed-point format                   

    for more details see additional info inside the sourcecode

    best regards

  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2009-10-10 16:07
    I once did a cartesian-polar demo for the Atari 2600 that used a sine and log table to do trigonometry and multiplication, at 8 bit resolution; it was a bit jerky but then so is everything on a 2600 LOL. There is example code in Appendix B of the Prop Manual showing how to read the sine table and flip and mirror it to get 360 degree coverage; curiously, I can't find any example code for the rather basic polar-cartesian function in Spin. I'd code it up myself but none of my own projects have any need for it; in Spin it should be less than 30 lines of code.

    The key to using integer math where fractions are involved is scaling. For example, the sine table is 2049 samples ranging from 0 to 90 degrees; there's an "extra" sample in there for end rollover so that a full circle is 8192 ticks. You could simply normalize that as your unit of angular measure, or even pick a higher number and use linear interpolation on the table. Similarly, the output of the table which should range from 0 to 1 is scaled to range from 0 to 65536 instead.

    So, as a practical example, let's say you want to display a radar blip on your display; you know it's at 220.45 degrees from north and 11.865 miles out, and your display is a 40 mile square scaled to 200 pixels square. First, you have to scale the inputs to integers; you can usually do this by stripping the decimal point. Remember the result must fit in a long, which is pretty generous since those can go to +- 2 billion or so. So we take 22045 of 36000 as our angle. To scale this for our 8192 tick table we would normally multiply by 8192, then divide by 36000; this is equivalent to a single multiplying by 0.2275555... which we can't do, because it's a fraction. But there's a much better way! The ** operator does a 32 by 32 bit multiplication and returns the high 32 bits of the 64 bit result, effectively dividing the result by 2^32. So we can scale our fraction UP 2^32, which gives us the constant 977_343_669. We can therefore say index := angle ** 977_343_669, and boom! We get our scaled sin and cosine directly from the example routines in the Prop manual.

    Now again, our sin and cos tables are normalized to increments of 1/65536. We would normally take the sine and cosine results and multiply by our screen size and divide by our physical territory size, san sin(n)*11.865*200/40, to figure out where to plot the point. But since our sine values are scaled, we must also divide by 65536, and since our miles are scaled we must divide by 1000, or result * 200 / 40 / 65536 / 1000, or result * 7.629E-8. You see where I'm going with this, right? We multiply that fraction by 2^32 to get 328, and so given our sin/cos lookup results * 11865 ** 328 should give us the pixel position to plot the result. Polar to cartesion conversion, no floating point, and only·three multiply operations.

    Iterating through all the angles, this example will plot a circle 59 pixels in radius -- you can check by plugging 65536, the "1" value for sine and cosine, and doing the math.

    In more complicated operations the main trick is making sure that our intermediate results fit in a long, and that they never scale down so far that we lose too much resolution. Sometimes this requires some shifting and/or additional application of ** to bring things in range. We have a bit of a bottleneck like that in the example, but it's OK because the relatively coarse final answer of 0-59 is our final result; if we were going to do more operations we might scale it higher, say by using 327_680 instead of 328 in that last operation; this would give us an output in 0.001 pixel increments, which we could later plot by dividing by 1000 or ** by (0.001 * 2^32).

    Post Edited (localroger) : 10/10/2009 4:14:18 PM GMT
  • tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
    edited 2009-10-11 02:09
    WOW... My head is still spinning after reading your post.· I will have to re-read multiple times to decipher your reasoning.· Your "scaling" procedure makes a lot of sense.· Staying with integer math (rather than FP), certainly, makes more sense because of speed.· However, at this point, I used STEFANL38'S suggestion (although FLOAT32 probably would have worked as well).
    Attached to this post is the polar to Cartesian object that I previously posted (with some changes).· It displays the arc that I was looking for.· Hopefully, it will be fast enough to process the PING object that I have already written.· Thanks to all for your help.· You have certainly advanced my goal.· I just wish I had more time to dedicate to this as I have a full time job, for which I am VERY thankful for (considering the economic climate).·I also have a family that, of course, requires much of my free time.·
    I can not say enough good things about this forum.· Good people are willing to give up their precious time to help us less knowledgeable folks.· THANKS!!!
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2009-10-11 02:42
    Bob -- Glad you got it. I've been doing this integer math stuff for a long time. The Prop's friendliness to some of the techniques I've been using for years is one of the reasons I'm here. If you need any more help, just ask.
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2009-10-11 16:17
    Bob -- here is your testarc program done without the floating point library, entirely with integer math.
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2009-10-11 16:57
    Hello localroger,

    that's pretty cool short.

    best regards

  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2009-10-11 19:19
    Wish that I had seen this thread earlier, I could have helped...


    In the OBEX there is a portion of a program very similar to your 'testarcint.spin'

    If you download the above object, and look at the spin file named 'HM55B Compass Module_Serial Demo_V1.1.spin',
    there is a section within the code under 'PUB DrawCompassCircle' that does essentially what 'testarcint.spin' does.

    Perhaps this will still help...

    PUB DrawCompassCircle|_Deg,X,Y,X_Size,Y_Size,X_Center,Y_Center
        X_Size := 30
        Y_Size := 15
        X_Center := 50
        Y_Center := 15
        repeat _Deg from 0 to 360 step 5
          X := X_Center + (GetSine(Deg2Bit13(_Deg))* X_Size)/ 65535
          Y := Y_Center + (GetCoSine(Deg2Bit13(_Deg))* Y_Size)/ 65535

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2009-10-11 20:42
    Beau -- Thanks for bringing that up, I couldn't believe nobody had ever done that before. I think it would be useful to have a more obvious example object for polar-cartesian conversion, though; if you don't know that snippet of code is in there beforehand, you'd never figure out that of all the objects in the obex that's the one you need to grab. I googled and parallax_propeller + virtually every conceivable way of indicating polar-cartesian conversion, and came up with nothing but PASM and floating-point examples.

    The DrawCompassCircle method also doesn't demonstrate the very important ** scaling operator, which is essential for applications where your input scales are arbitrary. (I have also noticed in further reading that it's 65535, not 65536, that is 1 in the trig tables, a trivial thing to adapt for with **.) In fact, your example would be faster and smaller if you replaced * ?_size / 65535 with ** constant(?_size / 65535 * 2^32).

    Post Edited (localroger) : 10/11/2009 8:49:43 PM GMT
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2009-10-11 20:57

    I haven't actually tested the speed differences between between the two methods, but I really wasn't going for speed with the demo... the way I did it was based from a derivative of something my dad showed me when I was about 12 years old. He wrote a small program on the Atari computer to draw a circle using a basic Deg to Rad conversion ( Rad = (Deg/180)* Pi ) , a Sine/co-Sine lookup table, and a little bit of scaling here and there.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
    edited 2009-10-11 22:46
    I downloaded your object this morning but didn't get a chance to look at it till now.· Spent the afternoon with the family at the beach.· Anyway, this just gets better and better.··Thanks for·sharing your vast knowledge.· I tried the FLOAT32 stuff with my PING object, but it ran very slow.· I implemented·your scaling technique·in·my ping object and it worked a little·faster (I have PING rotation (incrementing) and ranging in a separate cog, but still was slow with FLOAT32).· I have PING rotating with accurate angular measure and plotting the "*" accurately, at max distance (x=50, y=25).· However, I still have to figure out ranging.· I have "pointers" assigned to "PingDir" for angle and "range" for distance.· I am getting good centimeter distance from PING, by using "debug.dec(range)", with a max of 100 (range := <#=100)".· But implementing it, using you scaling technique, will take a little work.· Then, I can work on speeding up the whole process.· I might have to sacrifice some resolution for speed.· Will keep you posted.·
    I don't think it's said enough... Thanks for your Support.
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2009-10-11 23:50
    Bob -- Hey, a day at the beach with the family is great. It rained all day yesterday and today here. I figured I could either surf or code, and decided to do a little demo code. Glad to hear it wasn't wasted effort. If you need more help figuring out the scaling constants for **, just let me know. When you grok the true power of **, you will wonder why you ever used floating point math for anything. I've implemented the same function twice for my own use on other CPU's where it wasn't provided for me.
  • tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
    edited 2009-10-14 01:20
    Lets see now... surf or code?· Most of us would have chosen the "Fun" option... CODING... NOT.· Anyway, thanks for all your help.· My mini-radar is working perfectly.· Thought I had a timing problem... turns out, it was a power supply problem.· Ping would rotate for about 10 or 20 degrees, and then stop.· I was pulling my hair out (even though I don't have any).· I was feeding the 5 volt regulator (for ping and the prop) with about 5.2 volts.· The output of the regulator was about 4.8 volts.· I didn't think ping would mind... only 2/10's of a volt difference.··Well, it turns out that ping·WANTS to see 5 volts.· So, I feed him 5.2 volts.· He sure liked it.· Working perfectly now.· I will add a schematic in the top object and finish adding comments.· Then will post.· Not sure where... maybe in the "propeller" forum, or in the "stamps in class" forum (where I found the original BS2 code).· Thanks again, and "watch that rip current".·

  • tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
    edited 2009-10-15 01:48
    If anyone is interested in a "RADAR TYPE DISPLAY" for the propeller (using ping), see "stamps in class".

  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2009-10-15 02:35
    Bob -- I can think of few things more fun than making a mini-radar work. Well thare are a few. But still, that's awesome.
  • tronsnavytronsnavy Posts: 70
    edited 2009-10-17 00:43
    Been very busy at work and finally got time to decipher your code.· You are·the man!· At first, I considered your code like a C++ program... put something into an object, and understand what you should get out of an object(OOP).· I really did not understand the inter-workings of what your process did.· I originally performed some x,y graphs using 0-1920 (0-180 deg) against another graph of 410-2330 (0-180 deg); and came up the math that performed "scaling" that I expected.· After a power supply problem, the program worked great (although, I have some changes in mind that will reduce redundancy). Well, I got off work today and sent the family to go see "Where the wild things are". So, (over a cold one), I had a chance to step through your code.· This is amazing!· I plugged in some values corresponding to 30, 60, 90 and 135 degrees... and finally figured out how you did it!· I think your code needs to be in the OBJECT EXCHANGE, not only to exemplify how to use "INTEGER MATH", but also, how to access the "SIN TABLE".· What do you think?· I also need to explain the code a little better, than when I originally posted it a few days ago.· Hope you are doing well.· My hope is that I understand this "**" stuff as well as you.· It may take a few years, but I'm dedicated.· Have a great weekend; “SURFS-UP”, at least on the right coast (what about·the left?)… J.
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