It seems The new Parallax sensor Pressure has a resolution mistake it is 1.5 Pa
Posts: 184
hi ,
It seems that the new Parallax sensor Pressure has a resolution
mistake, it is 1.5 Pa and not 1.5KPa
The mistake is at the PDF and at the web site.
Please confirm.
Thanks, Mark
It seems that the new Parallax sensor Pressure has a resolution
mistake, it is 1.5 Pa and not 1.5KPa
The mistake is at the PDF and at the web site.
Please confirm.
Thanks, Mark
Yes....there is an error on Parallax's side. The resolution is 1.5 Pa for the chip. I just checked the data sheet from VTI.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
Please note: Due to economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice. Thanks for your understanding.
-Steph Lindsay
Editor, Parallax Inc.
I'm sure Mark and I agree......we try to keep Parallax on we do not see our favorite micro-controllers go away.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
Please note: Due to economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice. Thanks for your understanding.
The range of the sensor is 30 kPa to 120 kPa. To put that in perspective, 1 atmosphere standard pressure is 101.325 kPa
(=1013.25 millibar = 760 mmHg = 14.7 psi)
At the extremes, 30 kPa corresponds to an altitude of about 30000 feet (9000+ meters), and 120 kPa would be about 6 feet under water (absolute, including atmospheric pressure at the water surface).
Tracy Allen
I have one and have played with it quite a bit.
If you have clean power the sensor does bounce some....but with an average of a couple of seconds it is real accurate.
Unfortunately it is not the Parallax one. I bought mine a year or so ago.
James L
James L
Lil Brother SMT Assembly Services
Please note: Due to economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice. Thanks for your understanding.