How do you transfer data from a prop tp a pc file/excel?
Posts: 33
The title ask it all. I am measuring data with a prop and wish to send to to a pc file. Hyperterminal aint too hyper. Tera term is similar. Any help is appreciated.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade, RetroBlade,·TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
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· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
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Unfortunately, there aren't any good standard methods of just hitting transfer and making it go over serial; everything requires setup and a coordinated start at both ends. I'd probably consider putting a SD card on the system and using fsrw to write the data, and physically transfer the SD card to the PC at upload time.
I think that's really the easiest and most reliable way...
My Prop Info&Apps: ·
Ok, back on topic- data from Propeller to Excel/File with ViewPort.
ViewPort gives you a 2mbps connection to share data from the Propeller to the PC program. You can combine different types of data- for example, arrays, variables, streaming video, and samples of the IO pins. The connection is full-duplex, so you can also change data on the Propeller from the PC's side- using intuitive controls like dials, sliders, and textboxes. ViewPort gives you lots of tools to analyze your data, but can also save data to files in .txt, .csv, and even matlab. It can "stream" the data, where it saves it to file periodically. It can also periodically call an application, so you could script things together. And, it can upload your files periodically to an ftp server...
ViewPort also acts as a DDE server, so to get the value of a variable into an Excel cell, you just have to type a formula- like this: "=vp!get|rpm" This will continually stream the value of the "rpm" variable into your cell- where it can then be used for calculations or live graphs. There's a client kit for ViewPort that has samples that show how to read/write data from the Propeller for, c#, matlab, excel, and python.
If you want to read more about ViewPort, check out this review from Robot magazine:
Or, just download the free eval from my signature...
Download a free trial of ViewPort- the premier visual debugger for the Propeller
Includes full debugger, simulated instruments, fuzzy logic, and OpenCV for computer vision. Now a Parallax Product!
I think it's still free.
I played with it a year or so ago but moved to recording on SD cards (and then transferring data to the PC by plugging the SD card into the computer).
hope that helps,
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.
That used to be all you needed to do to take an external RS232 'feed' and re-route it as if it were being typed directly on the console.
MODE still works, but Microsoft removed CTTY ... bummer
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
The biggest problem is related to serial port operation ... does not generate "events" which I use for data receive. I was able to use a Thread to poll and collect data on Windows, but that approach utterly failed when I tried it on mono. I have never seen a linux box freeze so badly. I'm thinking about creating a network/port server to solve the problem.
I've considered creating a shell script that calls bstc to handle the Propellent business with System.Diagnostic.blah. I use bstc for debug symbols and fast compile all the time. The bst with a good font choice and bstc tools are truly superior to the Propeller Tool and loader.
We can take this off line or otherwise if you want to chat in more detail.
My Prop Info&Apps: ·
Your "private messages" is disabled and I can't easily find your email- but would like to compare notes on porting .net using mono. Feel free to pm me or gmail- I'm hsander.
Download a free trial of ViewPort- the premier visual debugger for the Propeller
Includes full debugger, simulated instruments, fuzzy logic, and OpenCV for computer vision. Now a Parallax Product!
I you can program and can adapt example code then read this document which has
4 programs that show how to do what you want.
The programs do not show how to save the data to a file but it is EASILY done
with a few extra lines of code. If you want me to show you how I can do so
but reading the help file of the programming language should be enough if you
can program.
If you give me template SPIN program that shows what the data is and how
you want it to be in the Excel sheet I can make a program for you to start with
and modify as needed.
To download the programming language go to
I also like to talk about "good ole times", but they are gone. We just should do, what we could do then. What about having a little framework on PC-side, that just works as a server in waiting for commands from the propeller and mapping them to very basic operation system functions, like file-I/O. We could use C-like commands, for example.
Hello Rest Of The World
Hello Debris
Install a propeller and blow them away
BUT.....if you would like a very EASY IDE and language (interpreter/compiler) for doing this with ALL that you need to do it in a VERY simple
language try RobotBASIC· ( see the document I mention in my previous posting for an example for how to do it.
ALSO...see this posting for a CONCRETE example.·
If you are programming SPIN and/Or PBASIC RobotBASIC will be VERY easy for you to figure out. EVEN IF you are C++
or Java programmer you will find that RobotBASIC can achieve things with a LOT LESS EFFORT than would be required
using these languages, and Even Python. I am not very familiar with Perl and I have been surprised at some things that
can be done in Perl so I would not comment on Perl.
As an example I am going to describe a thing I did not too long ago and I will give the RobotBASIC program that achieved
the solution.
I have multiple computers that I use and I have various development environments on them. IT gets so that I may work on
one computer for a few days and then I may work on the other for other days.
For Parallax stuff for example I have all things under a directory called Parallax Inc and this directory has numerous sub-directories
with files in each but also with sub-sub and even sub-sub-sub and so forth directories. This directory TREE·is similar on all machines.
The problem is that as I work on one computer I may do some programs, or download some things. I may reorganize and
create new directories, but not the same on the other computer, and things get out od SYNCH.
Often these changes are minimal and I can duplicate the changes by hand on ALL other computers. BUT....more often my memory
fails (old age) and also I get lazy and so the files on the computers get out of SYNCH and I end up with sub-directories that are not
on the other computer or NEWER files, or files that are on one computer but not the others etc.
I tried windows SYNCHRONIZE did not do it for more often than not missed files and directories and
did not quite do the job. ALSO.....I needed a REPORT to figure out what changes there are etc.
What I needed was a program that can take the two Parallax Inc folders from two computers and MERGE them. So that MERGED
Parallax Inc would have all sub-directories and sub-sub....
· 1- When there is a sub-directory that is in one but not the other then create it in the final merge.
· 2- If there is a file that is in both then copy only the newer one.
· 3- Preserve the directory TREE (merged or grafted).
Also I wanted the program to report on what it did for example
I use this program on a regular basis to keep track of all my folders and now I do not worry about becoming out of synch no matter for how long
since all I need is to put the two folders on a Flash drive and MERGE them and I end up with a ONE directory that has ALL files and that
preserves the directory tree and also that has the newer files. I also do not lose the original two directories since the MERGE is in a separate directory
thus I can always refer to the older files if I need to.
Here is the program (just 92 lines). Notice all the File functions and also notice the Clipboard functions. The report for instance
is created on the Clipboard so that you can put it in any program you want. Also notice how the Data statement is used to create
a QUEUE using an array. This queue makes it VERY simple to process the directory TREE without resorting to RECURSION which makes
the program SIMPLE. Try to do this in Java or C++ or even Python.
When you read the code you should get a taste for how RB works.
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 10/7/2009 10:06:22 AM GMT
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried the PLX-DAQ software, but no results, so I'm obviously missing something obvious. I have the professional board. How did you connect to the PC?