3D or 2D models of the USB Prop Proto Board
We are looking for "USB Prop Proto Board" 3D models (any standard format) or 2D (If that's all there is) in order to generate a couple of Robot chassis assemblies for our Robotics Club ( www.yaaarc.org ). I thought I remembered seeing one some where but perhaps I'm just remembering the 3D models for the wheel kit.
James Ronald
My Robots
James Ronald
My Robots
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Post Edited (Leon) : 10/4/2009 5:59:07 PM GMT
We can output the PCB artwork plots, but we've not designed a 3D model of the Propeller Proto Board. The 3D models you've seen were the 12V Motor Mount and Wheel Kit.
If you want to model the Propeller Proto Board we'll provide the PCB for free in exchange for an eDrawing.
Ken Gracey
Hi Ken
Wath Format and wath level of details?
I can model a proto on Wings3D (used In Kicad) and, if there are many details needed -and many details given-, maybe i can draw them on Autocad.
Are you looking for a professional PCB/Schematichs software?
Kicad: GPL. You can do Schematics, PCBS, Gerber interfaces, 3d-views and more
If You look on my avatar I kan generate 3D to ProtoBoard if you give me PCB artwork and corect SCH.
And It is You that decide level of dtails
Christoffer J
Ps. If You decide that ... PM me
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Jim was asking for the model on my behalf. I am part of the YAARC group.
I can model the board for you in Inventor 9, CATIA V5 R18·or UG NX5. I'm guessing you would like a step file so anyone can use the models in any cad package? I can also do dxf for the 2D folks.
Please let me know.
Feel free to contact me directly (I assume you have profile info)