What features would you want?
In a Propeller single board computer, would features would you want? SD/MMC? ADC/DAC? Shift Register? SRAM?
Just curious.
Hey! I'm Adam.
But YOU can call me ziplock.
Blog: braindrink.wordpress.com
"The only problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard." -David Gerrold
Just curious.
Hey! I'm Adam.
But YOU can call me ziplock.
Blog: braindrink.wordpress.com
"The only problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard." -David Gerrold
I think an open architecture and documented computer would be something I'm interested in because that would be a hobbist's computer.
I think a self contained unit without the need to plug into another computer would be ideal.
I think that if it is going to use SD cards, files and system ROM shouldn't share the same SD card.· It should probably have two external·ports for SD cards.
I think it should have Basic with a math package and a built in machine language monitor.
I wouldn't mind if it was portable and could work with LCD as well as the television.
It should probably have a port for a mini hard drive or hard drives.
I would aim at a computer slightly more advanced than a Commodore 64. I think the C-128 should have had sprites but they existed only in C-64 mode: Color Graphics or Tile Graphics, two or more voices on a chip, probably 16 or more sprites, a low and high resolution screen.
I want something with memory.
It has to do word processing in at least 80 columns.
Something else but I don't know yet. If I aim high, I might just get it.
Post Edited (Chuckz) : 10/3/2009 11:23:19 PM GMT
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