trying to build a heat tracker using IR devices to track a humans body heat
Posts: 825
Hi guys I am trying to build a device that will track (by heat) a person when they walk into range of my device. I have been trying to use my BoeBot with the Parallax IR devices that come with BoeBot but it seems that they are not anywhere near sensitive enough
I can get it to detect and kind of track a lit match but it has to be about 12 inches near the IR's does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions is there a more sensitive device I should be using .. What I would really like to do is make a small parabolic dish and put the IR in the middle and see if that would increase sensitivity??????
I can get it to detect and kind of track a lit match but it has to be about 12 inches near the IR's does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions is there a more sensitive device I should be using .. What I would really like to do is make a small parabolic dish and put the IR in the middle and see if that would increase sensitivity??????
One of our prototype people counters was fitted with a couple of servo motors and a gimbal system, so that it would actually track people as they moved around and a video camera would display what it was tracking. It actually homed in on the warmest part of the body it could find when one stood close to it - the groin area with males. It didn't have enough vertical movement to detect the head.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
It can track left right up and down a full 180 degrees I have the servos being controlled for now my Basic Stamp OEM board only because I found some software I really want to use Prop chip but anyway I want to be able to have someone walk into the room and the device will track there movement there will be a video camera mounted on my tripod rig so while you are walking around the video camera will follow you "track you" I found a program for the BoeBot that had BoeBot following a flame around using some IR devices . It does work but its very limited I tried to expand on this or apply it to my project but it will not track anything colder than a match and even with that it has to be about 6 to 12 inches away form the IR sensors I even have given some thought to using the Ping but at the end of the day I want to be able to track a person at night by heat detection it doesn't have to be perfect its just for fun but I would like to be able;e to do it
I have no idea how well these work, but this was in a folder I had from a year or so ago.
Hope it helps.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
I think this is just the "coolest" thing.
· -- Carl,
I love the idea of using the PIC 16f684 I just bought a few to build some other projects I had seen online ,, Wow Zoot did you see the cost for the TPA81 HOLY!! 110 bucks a piece and if I am reading the article right he used 8 of them???? Well I have to admit that puts that out of my reach I am positive my wife would divorce me not that its necessarily a bad thing but I guess I will keep trying .. ElectricAye I actually did give some thought to using the Parallax PIR I bought a couple but like TIM said they are very broad I could not get them down to focal point that was anything I could use . You would think this would be a very easy project even for a beginner the concept is not all that hard its just finding the right devices I guess
I mentioned because it really is ideal and pretty much ready-to-go with simple code. But a single thermal sensor on a servo might suffice as well and bring the cost down a bit.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST