Import JBot.*; --> error?
Posts: 82
Hi, i have seen some of the threads trying to understand more on Javelin Stamp. I dl-ed the attachments from ( and was testing out the codes, however, i received error as shown in the attachment.
May i know if i am missing this JBot package? where can i install it from?
thank you.
May i know if i am missing this JBot package? where can i install it from?
thank you.
<javelin ide installpath>\lib\
Copy all files from folder JBotCode (after unzipping to folder JBot
Create a folder os_org at
<javelin ide installpath>\lib\stamp\util\os
Move all files that are currently in folder os to folder os_org
Copy all files from folder os (copy ...)·(after unzipping to folder os
regards peter
Cos some of the program after successful compile shows, [noparse][[/noparse]Error LNK-0002]No suitable 'main' method, found when i program into the javelin.
You can consider them library files.
I think the files with 'test' in the filename are the files that have a 'main' and those
you can program into the javelin.
regards peter
The error shows the file Task is missing something so I assume
you did not quite setup folder os correctly.
Save all files from folder ...\lib\stamp\util\os
to a folder os_org
Then empty folder os
Unzip the attachement in folder os
Then it should compile ok.
regards peter
Then extract the zip file u had. I realised that when i unzipped i was prompted if i want to replace Task and TaskManager, which i chose to replace.
Now, none of the program works... [noparse]:([/noparse]
My install path is c:\javelin, yours may be different
regards peter
regards peter
I unzip the os and os_org attachments in the respective folders but compiling program still show up errors...
Sorry for troubling again.
but the file still specifies package stamp.util.os and not stamp.util.os.os_org
That also applies to LinkedListItem.
I just moved them to a separate folder so they no longer conflict with the JBot files.
Either update the package lines or rename the files itself.
regards peter