newbie question: boe-bot turns and dead reckoning
I'm building my first Boe-Bot and am having a problem with the left turn 90 degrees /right turn 90 degrees. The first turn will be 90 degrees but each successive turn will be a random degree amount. I tried changing the batteries, putting the boe-bot on a difference surface, but those things didn't help. I went ahead and tried to do a dead reckoning routine just to see what would happen, with similar result: boe-bot gets more erratic with each subroutine. Any ideas? Thanks!
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
Code is attached. Thanks!
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support
C-Bob, by pauses, do you mean the PAUSE value or the PULSOUT, or something else? I've tried modifying the the pulseCount variable.
Post Edited (the nerge) : 10/7/2009 2:55:59 AM GMT