If you can run the above code you know that your programming / debug connection is OK.
(It must be since you loaded it into the processor!)
So you concern about “cabling” is solved.
You did say that you get no display running the EEPROM code.
You should be able to "step " thru the EEPROM code and let us know where it is falling.
Follow the flow and add DEBUG(s) to verify the flow.
You need to establish that before you start troubleshooting the EEPROM.
It is not necessary to obtain correct debug printouts, you are not after the values of the variables, just verifying the flow.
I would recommend you do that and than post your code again with some comments how far you have gotten.
And yes, at present only the I2C I/O pins need pull-ups.
It's very blurry, but it·looks like you have the resistors going in series·between SDA, SCL and·P0, P1.· If that's so then you need to take a closer look at the schematic.
Chris, there is nothing to "think" about, and my fear is you are just trying things randomly without a clear picture of where you are going.
Go look at the schematic that dev/null posted. It is correct. If you don't know how to read a schematic, then check out any of the nice micro books by Parallax (available for download) which explain how to read a schematic.
In short, you need a wire between P0 and SDA, and between P1 and SCL. You *also* need a 4.7k (or so) resistor between P0 and +5v and also between P1 and +5v. These are called "pull-ups", because they "pull" the level of the signal on that wire to a logic 1 if the wire is not being driven to logic 0 by the Stamp or by the EEPROM.
Get your circuit right first. Then try the code. If that doesn't work, then post your FULL PROGRAM that failed (as an attachment, not pasted into the message), along with a picture showing that your circuit is correct, and we can take it from there.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
SDA············ PIN···· 0······················ ' I2C serial data line
SCL············ PIN···· 1······················ ' I2C serial clock line
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
Ack············ CON···· 0······················ ' acknowledge bit
Nak············ CON···· 1······················ ' no ack bit EE24LC32······· CON···· %1010 << 4
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
slvAddr········ VAR···· Byte··················· ' I2C slave address
devNum········· VAR···· Nib···················· ' device number (0 - 7)
addrLen········ VAR···· Nib···················· ' bytes in word addr (0 - 2)
wrdAddr········ VAR···· Word··················· ' word address i2cData········ VAR···· Byte··················· ' data to/from device
i2cWork········ VAR···· Byte··················· ' work byte for TX routine
i2cAck········· VAR···· Bit···················· ' Ack bit from device test··········· VAR···· Nib
outVal········· VAR···· Byte
inVal·········· VAR···· Byte
fails·········· VAR···· Word
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]
Main: · fails = 0 · FOR wrdAddr = 0 TO 4095······················ ' test all locations ··· DEBUG CRSRXY, 11, 2, DEC4 wrdAddr ··· FOR test = 0 TO 3·························· ' use four patterns ····· LOOKUP test, [noparse][[/noparse]$FF, $AA, $55, $00], outVal ····· DEBUG CRSRXY, 11, 3, IHEX2 outVal ····· i2cData = outVal ····· GOSUB Write_Byte ····· PAUSE 10 ····· GOSUB Read_Byte ····· inVal = i2cData ····· DEBUG CRSRXY, 11, 4, IHEX2 inVal, ··········· CRSRXY, 11, 5 ····· IF (inVal = outVal) THEN ······· DEBUG "Pass " ····· ELSE ······· fails = fails + 1 ······· DEBUG "Fail ", CRSRXY, 11, 6, DEC fails ······· EXIT··································· ' terminate location ····· ENDIF ····· PAUSE 10 ··· NEXT · NEXT · IF (fails = 0) THEN ··· DEBUG CRSRXY, 11, 6, "None. All locations test good." · ENDIF · END
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
' =====[noparse][[/noparse] High Level I2C Subroutines]======================================= ' Random location write
' -- pass device slave address in "slvAddr"
' -- pass bytes in word address (0, 1 or 2) in "addrLen"
' -- word address to write passed in "wrdAddr"
' -- data byte to be written is passed in "i2cData" Write_Byte: · GOSUB I2C_Start······························ ' send Start · i2cWork = slvAddr & %11111110················ ' send slave ID (write) · GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte · IF (i2cAck = Nak) THEN Write_Byte············ ' wait until not busy · IF (addrLen > 0) THEN ··· IF (addrLen = 2) THEN ····· i2cWork = wrdAddr.BYTE1·················· ' send word address (1) ····· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte ··· ENDIF ··· i2cWork = wrdAddr.BYTE0···················· ' send word address (0) ··· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte · ENDIF · i2cWork = i2cData···························· ' send data · GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte · GOSUB I2C_Stop · RETURN
' Random location read
' -- pass device slave address in "slvAddr"
' -- pass bytes in word address (0, 1 or 2) in "addrLen"
' -- word address to write passed in "wrdAddr"
' -- data byte read is returned in "i2cData" Read_Byte: · GOSUB I2C_Start······························ ' send Start · IF (addrLen > 0) THEN ··· i2cWork = slvAddr & %11111110·············· ' send slave ID (write) ··· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte ··· IF (i2cAck = Nak) THEN Read_Byte··········· ' wait until not busy ··· IF (addrLen = 2) THEN ····· i2cWork = wrdAddr.BYTE1·················· ' send word address (1) ····· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte ··· ENDIF ··· i2cWork = wrdAddr.BYTE0···················· ' send word address (0) ··· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte ··· GOSUB I2C_Start · ENDIF · i2cWork = slvAddr | %00000001················ ' send slave ID (read) · GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte · GOSUB I2C_RX_Byte_Nak · GOSUB I2C_Stop · i2cData = i2cWork · RETURN
No, your circuit is not correct. You should not have resistors as the connection between your two pins and SDA and SCL on the EEPROM. You should have wires. AND you need resistors from the pins to Vdd (+5v). See my previous posts. And PJ Allen's. And dev/null's. Look over the schematic.
If that code is Jon's original demo without changes, and you are indeed using a 32kbit EEPROM (4k bytes) then the code is probably fine. Should work. The circuit errors may be what are causing the program to hang, as the I2C lines may not get released properly.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
You guys are awesome i have the chip working.sorry for my lack of knowlege in things but i am still learning and someday i may be as smart as you guys.
DEBUG "Test",cr
If you can run the above code you know that your programming / debug connection is OK.
(It must be since you loaded it into the processor!)
So you concern about “cabling” is solved.
You did say that you get no display running the EEPROM code.
You should be able to "step " thru the EEPROM code and let us know where it is falling.
Follow the flow and add DEBUG(s) to verify the flow.
You need to establish that before you start troubleshooting the EEPROM.
It is not necessary to obtain correct debug printouts, you are not after the values of the variables, just verifying the flow.
I would recommend you do that and than post your code again with some comments how far you have gotten.
And yes, at present only the I2C I/O pins need pull-ups.
Don't worry. Be happy
and an, umm,·24LC32 , is, umm, an I2C, umm, device
umm, so, you did, umm, miss, umm,·something
Y/N ?
i have an update on my device
Also here is what i get what the samle program that was given
Go look at the schematic that dev/null posted. It is correct. If you don't know how to read a schematic, then check out any of the nice micro books by Parallax (available for download) which explain how to read a schematic.
In short, you need a wire between P0 and SDA, and between P1 and SCL. You *also* need a 4.7k (or so) resistor between P0 and +5v and also between P1 and +5v. These are called "pull-ups", because they "pull" the level of the signal on that wire to a logic 1 if the wire is not being driven to logic 0 by the Stamp or by the EEPROM.
Get your circuit right first. Then try the code. If that doesn't work, then post your FULL PROGRAM that failed (as an attachment, not pasted into the message), along with a picture showing that your circuit is correct, and we can take it from there.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
you are on the right track with software debbuging.
You got pass this line :
DEBUG "i2cdata at ", DEC wrdAddr, " = ", DEC i2cdata, CR
Now continue to follow the flow and insert DEBUGs whereever it will help you to see how far you can get in the flow.
Here is a sample :
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
[noparse][[/noparse] "Macros" ]
' For Writing
DEBUG "Write_op Sub", CR
slvAddr.BIT1 = wrdAddr.BIT8 ' set page bit
DEBUG ? slvAddr.BIT1,CR
GOSUB Write_Byte
As I said before it is not necessary to see correct values( but it helps) , you are after the flow of the code for now.
' =========================================================================
'·· File....... 24LC32.BS2
'·· Purpose.... 24LC32 demo with a BS2/BS2e/BS2sx
'·· Author..... Jon Williams, Parallax
'·· E-mail..... jwilliams@parallax.com
'·· Started....
'·· Updated.... 07 SEP 2004
'·· {$STAMP BS2}
'·· {$PBASIC 2.5}
' =========================================================================
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History ]
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
SDA············ PIN···· 0······················ ' I2C serial data line
SCL············ PIN···· 1······················ ' I2C serial clock line
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
Ack············ CON···· 0······················ ' acknowledge bit
Nak············ CON···· 1······················ ' no ack bit
EE24LC32······· CON···· %1010 << 4
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
slvAddr········ VAR···· Byte··················· ' I2C slave address
devNum········· VAR···· Nib···················· ' device number (0 - 7)
addrLen········ VAR···· Nib···················· ' bytes in word addr (0 - 2)
wrdAddr········ VAR···· Word··················· ' word address
i2cData········ VAR···· Byte··················· ' data to/from device
i2cWork········ VAR···· Byte··················· ' work byte for TX routine
i2cAck········· VAR···· Bit···················· ' Ack bit from device
test··········· VAR···· Nib
outVal········· VAR···· Byte
inVal·········· VAR···· Byte
fails·········· VAR···· Word
[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
· #IF ($STAMP >= BS2P) #THEN
··· #ERROR "Use I2COUT and I2CIN!"
· devNum = %000································ ' chip select (%000 - %111)
· slvAddr = EE24LC32 | (devNum << 1)··········· ' setup slave ID
· addrLen = 2·································· ' 2 bytes in word address
· DEBUG "24LC32 Demo··· ", CR,
······· "
", CR,
······· "Address...···· ", CR,
······· "Output....···· ", CR,
······· "Input.....···· ", CR,
······· "Status....···· ", CR,
······· "Errors....···· "
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]
· fails = 0
· FOR wrdAddr = 0 TO 4095······················ ' test all locations
··· DEBUG CRSRXY, 11, 2, DEC4 wrdAddr
··· FOR test = 0 TO 3·························· ' use four patterns
····· LOOKUP test, [noparse][[/noparse]$FF, $AA, $55, $00], outVal
····· DEBUG CRSRXY, 11, 3, IHEX2 outVal
····· i2cData = outVal
····· GOSUB Write_Byte
····· PAUSE 10
····· GOSUB Read_Byte
····· inVal = i2cData
····· DEBUG CRSRXY, 11, 4, IHEX2 inVal,
··········· CRSRXY, 11, 5
····· IF (inVal = outVal) THEN
······· DEBUG "Pass "
····· ELSE
······· fails = fails + 1
······· DEBUG "Fail ", CRSRXY, 11, 6, DEC fails
······· EXIT··································· ' terminate location
····· ENDIF
····· PAUSE 10
··· NEXT
· IF (fails = 0) THEN
··· DEBUG CRSRXY, 11, 6, "None. All locations test good."
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
' =====[noparse][[/noparse] High Level I2C Subroutines]=======================================
' Random location write
' -- pass device slave address in "slvAddr"
' -- pass bytes in word address (0, 1 or 2) in "addrLen"
' -- word address to write passed in "wrdAddr"
' -- data byte to be written is passed in "i2cData"
· GOSUB I2C_Start······························ ' send Start
· i2cWork = slvAddr & %11111110················ ' send slave ID (write)
· IF (i2cAck = Nak) THEN Write_Byte············ ' wait until not busy
· IF (addrLen > 0) THEN
··· IF (addrLen = 2) THEN
····· i2cWork = wrdAddr.BYTE1·················· ' send word address (1)
····· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte
··· i2cWork = wrdAddr.BYTE0···················· ' send word address (0)
··· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte
· i2cWork = i2cData···························· ' send data
· GOSUB I2C_Stop
' Random location read
' -- pass device slave address in "slvAddr"
' -- pass bytes in word address (0, 1 or 2) in "addrLen"
' -- word address to write passed in "wrdAddr"
' -- data byte read is returned in "i2cData"
· GOSUB I2C_Start······························ ' send Start
· IF (addrLen > 0) THEN
··· i2cWork = slvAddr & %11111110·············· ' send slave ID (write)
··· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte
··· IF (i2cAck = Nak) THEN Read_Byte··········· ' wait until not busy
··· IF (addrLen = 2) THEN
····· i2cWork = wrdAddr.BYTE1·················· ' send word address (1)
····· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte
··· i2cWork = wrdAddr.BYTE0···················· ' send word address (0)
··· GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte
··· GOSUB I2C_Start
· i2cWork = slvAddr | %00000001················ ' send slave ID (read)
· GOSUB I2C_RX_Byte_Nak
· GOSUB I2C_Stop
· i2cData = i2cWork
[noparse][[/noparse] Low Level I2C Subroutines ]
' *** Start Sequence ***
I2C_Start:····································· ' I2C start bit sequence
· DO : LOOP UNTIL (SCL = 1)···················· ' wait for clock release
' *** Transmit Byte ***
· SHIFTOUT SDA, SCL, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]i2cWork\8]····· ' send byte to device
· SHIFTIN SDA, SCL, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]i2cAck\1]········· ' get acknowledge bit
' *** Receive Byte ***
· i2cAck = Nak································· ' no Ack = high
· i2cAck = Ack································· ' Ack = low
· SHIFTIN SDA, SCL, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]i2cWork\8]········ ' get byte from device
· SHIFTOUT SDA, SCL, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]i2cAck\1]······ ' send ack or nak
' *** Stop Sequence ***
I2C_Stop:······································ ' I2C stop bit sequence
If that code is Jon's original demo without changes, and you are indeed using a 32kbit EEPROM (4k bytes) then the code is probably fine. Should work. The circuit errors may be what are causing the program to hang, as the I2C lines may not get released properly.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
how do i close this thread
PJ Allen