Hi i'm a looking into building a biped robot, but looking at hitec servos, how would one come about "programming" the digital servos without buying a "programmer" ?
the other option i'm looking at is also futaba servos, but these are a little bit more expensive. Currently i'm searching for "funding" as this project if for a self study course i'm taking in high school.
servo model:
Hitec HS-5485HB $24.99
Futaba S3152 $34.99
$10 doesn't seem like a lot, but when buying 12 servos for only the legs it adds quite a bit. THe sotre i plan to purchase from is tower hobbies.
All suggestions are welcome. Chips i have are the propeller, javelin, and basic stamp 2px. Also zilog ez80f91, and some pic chips, neither of which are as powerful and simple to use as parallax chips
the other option i'm looking at is also futaba servos, but these are a little bit more expensive. Currently i'm searching for "funding" as this project if for a self study course i'm taking in high school.
servo model:
Hitec HS-5485HB $24.99
Futaba S3152 $34.99
$10 doesn't seem like a lot, but when buying 12 servos for only the legs it adds quite a bit. THe sotre i plan to purchase from is tower hobbies.
All suggestions are welcome. Chips i have are the propeller, javelin, and basic stamp 2px. Also zilog ez80f91, and some pic chips, neither of which are as powerful and simple to use as parallax chips

I would use the propeller and use the servo32.spin object in the OBEX
Rich H
The Servo Boss, a 12 channel servo tester kit from Gadget Gangster.
You can get those Futaba servos for $29.99 at
I think a 12 servo biped is very ambitious for your first walking robot, unless you are starting from a kit. If not, you may want to try a 12 servo hexapod or a six servo biped. You can learn a lot and then reuse the parts for a more difficult robot.
My Robots