Rookie question - Data Remanence
Posts: 32
Very much a rookie with the Prop. However, I want to work on a program that will eventually be stored, as usual in EEPROM. Then, when the program runs, of course, variables will be created etc.
Question is - once the power is shut off, am I correct in assuming that nothing is 'stored' anywhere, and that given a 'reasonable' amount of time under 'normal conditions', then the working memory would be empty.
Of course, I'm probably not wording this well, but hopefully you get the gist if you look at the following couple of links:
I'm assuming that the memory is nicely cleared after power is lost, just curious if there are any gotchas that I should know about.
Question is - once the power is shut off, am I correct in assuming that nothing is 'stored' anywhere, and that given a 'reasonable' amount of time under 'normal conditions', then the working memory would be empty.
Of course, I'm probably not wording this well, but hopefully you get the gist if you look at the following couple of links:
I'm assuming that the memory is nicely cleared after power is lost, just curious if there are any gotchas that I should know about.
So, just as long as I don't write anything to the EEPROM at run-time, then there should not be run-time data kicking around after the power is lost, other than what might happen based on techniques as shown in the video? (for example, freezing the memory etc).
Any guesses as to how long it would take for the memory to be wiped? The video from Princeton shows about 2 minutes after powering down for the RAM to be cleared. Of course, that is on a PC, and no doubt different type of RAM.
No doubt, there is a handy way to test this, but it will take me putting on my thinking cap and trying to figure out the best methods of trying to consistently determine the results. Just trying to figure out if I want to go down the prop route for a project that I have in mind.
Thanks again,
Not gonna happen. When the propeller comes out of reset the bootloader kicks in and re-loads the *entire* contents of ram from the eeprom. There is _no_ way any random remnant can be left anywhere.
lt's not particularly silly, is it?
Even on a PC the memory gets overwritten and reallocated so any of this data "remanence" stuff is immaterial. I suppose some people are entertained by it but when it comes to the microcontroller world the startup routine normally zeros all it's working area in RAM. With the Propeller as has been mentioned it doesn't matter to us as all we see is the entire contents of RAM replaced with the contents of the EEPROM. All variables will be zeroed unless you have written the updated values back into EEPROM to automatically restore on power-up.
Go with the Propeller, you will be happy you did.
Seemingly the safest route to ensure the memory is fully cleared would be to:
1. Run the program
2. Shut down
3. Fire it up again (to clear the memory)
4. Shut it back down now that the memory is guaranteed clear
I know it is overkill, just trying to watch out for any potential problems.
I've always thought that removing power would actually remove everything from memory. True, but apparently not right away. The example in the video, gives one example of parts of the memory staying for 2 minutes after the power is removed.
There are a number of various side-channel attacks which attempts to attack cryptography through bypassing anything to do with the cryptography. For example, monitoring power consumption during various stages of encryption or decryption, as this can leak information about the key being used. Similarly, one could monitor the amount of time it takes to perform various operations during encryption or decryption. In that case, one isn't trying to 'crack' the encryption by finding a flaw in the cryptography, but rather in some other way of finding leaked out information. For this project, I was only hoping to prevent against any memory retention.
So, my question about memory on the prop is along the same lines. I had assumed that it was fairly normal in comparison to other memory in that it might fade over the course of a few seconds or minutes after power has been removed - just curious if anyone had any data on that. It was a really good point to hear about the entire ram being overwritten on bootup, so a shut-down, and reboot would seem to solve most of my question.
FYI, the video link in the original post (from Pinceton) was pretty cool - in general, it is known as a 'cold boot attack'.
Hope that clarifies - and thanks for your help.
Cold boot attacks are really only practical where you can access the RAM directly. I'm sure it's "possible" with the right tools, but it's sure as heck not as easy as whipping a DIMM out of a laptop and reading the remnants.
lt's not particularly silly, is it?
@Dave - The eeprom boot is locked into loading the entire 32K bytes of RAM so no chance that any previous data would survive. The cog RAM is also completely overwritten as soon as you load up anything into it so you couldn't find out what it had previously either. I looked at the video and concluded that as cool as the method was with memory modules it just didn't and couldn't apply to on-chip RAM. Besides the software used to locate the information must assume that it is in a identifiable format as is the case with many PC operating systems. Also, the deteriorating image was way too simple as it looked like they were using a simple black & white hires image which closely approximates the individual binary memory cells. The fact that we humans can recognize an image doesn't mean much as we can see faces in ink blots too. Now if they had run the test on a document it would have been instantly unreadable.
Oh, BTW, knowing that you are concerned about security keys would have made your questions and concerns a lot more understandable.
Looks like the prop *is* the right fit for this project - appreciate the help.
However I do know that some people/organizations can't sleep at night worrying about such things.
Best put some external circuitry on a pin and use that to trigger a COG, in the last moments before total power down, to clear all internal RAM. There are chips that detect this imminent power failure situation but I'm sure it can be done with a few discreet components.
For me, the past is not over yet.
@heater - some organizations get paid not to sleep at night [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The power-fail detect normally relies upon detecting a droop in the bulk supply or missing mains cycles and provided that there is enough capacitance in the power-supply the processor can have a few to several 100's of milliseconds to do what it needs to do. Of course from what we have discussed it is a totally unnecessary measure with the Prop.
The bootloader can either load a program from an attached PC or copy the first 32K of attached EEPROM. The code that downloads from a PC gets a program size (in longs) from the PC and downloads that number of longs. It then clears the rest of SRAM to zeroes before starting up the loaded program. If there's no attached PC, the bootloader copies the entire first 32K of EEPROM from an attached EEPROM. If there's no attached EEPROM either, the Prop shuts down. The SRAM is unchanged in that case, but there's no access possible.
The ROM bootloader code has been posted and you can see this logic in the code.
From the static RAM retention paper "Retention times can be significantly reduced by shorting VCC to ground rather than by leaving it floating."
OK I did not read the whole paper but that statement makes me think they were simply disconnecting power to the SRAMs. Well "duh", modern low power device can of course hold themselves up for a while on capacitance if nothing is pulling Vcc to ground.
So arrange to have a resistor across your power supply rails which will ensure Vcc goes to zero eventually. Not helpful if this should be a low power device I know. In which case some kind of power off crowbar on the rails is required.
As for the video. There they were attacking the laptops dynamic RAM. Dynamic RAM is a different kettle of fish than static in that its memory cells are basically capacitors that are either charged or not. Hence the need for periodic refresh cycles to replenish the leaking charge.
So I would guess that even if the supplies go down to zero there is more chance of the data remaining with dynamic RAM.
So is the Props RAM dynamic or static? I would have guessed static.
For me, the past is not over yet.
Most RAM in micros is totally static in that it does not need to be refresh but instead relies upon a more complicated back-to-back arrangement much like a flip-flop. I think most static cells require 6 transistors per bit but since it does not require refresh clocking the RAM consumes very little power when not being accessed. Being static means you can stop everything and each memory cell remains latched in it's last state.
These static RAM chips can retain some of their memory for a few seconds (extremely indeterminate) even when they are unplugged as in the case of discrete devices. Shorting out the supply pretty much puts an end to that though.
Turned out this SRAM had one bit in one byte that thought it was dynamic RAM. Any ones written to it would fade to zero after a few ms. Stayed up just long enough to pass the RAM test.
Lesson of the story?
Turns out that a "simple thing" like testing RAMs is actually a lot more complex than a first thought would have you believe.
For me, the past is not over yet.
Just curious, but if this esoteric element of 'cold ram' is such a potential issue, I'd almost think you'd want a controller chip that provides some minimal level of code protection as well?· I'd think that reverse-engineering the app would be a similar security risk?· Not to mention the potential of swapping the code eprom with a hacked one.
Not at all. Lets say your app is some kind of Enigma box. Plain text in, cipher text out or visa-versa. To do this you have to input a crypto key which lives in RAM as long as the machine is on.
Now your attacker gets the box. Hopefully the thing has been powered down when he snatches it. The key is gone. Perhaps he reverse engineers your code. Perhaps he knows very well all about the crypto algorithm you have used anyway. But with out that key he can't use the box to crack your ongoing communications or decipher your past messages.
I am assuming one is not daft enough to blow the cryto keys into EEPROM or such.
For me, the past is not over yet.