Graphic images needed (showing PCB traces) of Propeller protoboards.

The datasheet for the Propeller protoboards have a nice image of the populated boards but I wanted to see if it is possible to get a graphic image of the top and bottom of each one of the boards that shows the layout of the traces as viewed from each side. I originally asked about the SX protoboards (which I have an immediate need for) but thought it would be useful for future Propeller projects that may require a couple modifications to the board. It would be much easier if I could use an image of the unpopulated board and use it to mark what traces need to be cut and altered for a project. There would be 4 images. The top and bottom layer of each bare board.
Is this something Parallax has available and if so how can we get the images?
Best Regards,
The datasheet for the Propeller protoboards have a nice image of the populated boards but I wanted to see if it is possible to get a graphic image of the top and bottom of each one of the boards that shows the layout of the traces as viewed from each side. I originally asked about the SX protoboards (which I have an immediate need for) but thought it would be useful for future Propeller projects that may require a couple modifications to the board. It would be much easier if I could use an image of the unpopulated board and use it to mark what traces need to be cut and altered for a project. There would be 4 images. The top and bottom layer of each bare board.
Is this something Parallax has available and if so how can we get the images?
Best Regards,
There are some "open source" PCB's that you are specifically allowed to modify, and they usually come with at least gerber files, and often Eagle or other CAD files.
Most PC board (Parallax's, mine, Cluso99's, the Hydra etc.) are commercial designs that you are not allowed to copy without explicit permission. Board designs are copyrighted material - you just can't take someones PCB layout, modify it, and reproduce it for sale/distribution. You need the owners permission, which is likely not going to be free.
Parallax has posted a PCB file at
Hope this help!
Best Regards,
Please use mikronauts _at_ gmail _dot_ com to contact me off-forum, my PM is almost totally full
Morpheus & Mem+dual Prop SBC w/ 512KB kit $119.95, 2MB memory IO board kit $89.95, both kits $189.95 - my site 6.250MHz custom Crystals for running Propellers at 100MHz
Las - Large model assembler for the Propeller Largos - a feature full nano operating system for the Propeller
Post Edited (Bill Henning) : 9/21/2009 6:47:52 PM GMT
You may have missed the point of my question. I am only asking specifically about the Parallax Protoboard that they sell for the Propeller, SX28, and SX48. I'd like to see if Parallax already has (or can provide) any black & white graphic images that show the trace layout of these boards in a BMP, JPG, or GIF format. Although I could probably convert a Gerber file and make that work that would just be extra work for me. I understand it is a board that Parallax created and sells. That is why I am asking here. Since they already publish the schematics and a picture of the finished board I thought it would be worth asking if they had an image of the boards too. Even a color image of the PCB's on both sides before installing the parts may work.
The intention of this is NOT to make new Protoboards. If I wanted to make a board I would just design my own or use one of my previous boards as a starting point.
I've done several projects using the Parallax Protoboard as a base. One of them was shown in SERVO last year and maxed out an SX48 board. If you've read any of my other SERVO articles you'll see I'm not shy about cutting traces on boards or prototyping. Some projects require making mods to the PCB (cutting traces, adding jumpers, etc) and then adding new parts. To document the modifications it would be so much easier if I could use an image of the board and mark it up showing what traces need to be severed and where to mount components. I'm trying to wrap up a couple more articles now and one article makes use of the SX28 and SX48 boards and need more mods than usual. I've taken my own pictures but it only shows portions of the mods as they are done. I think it would be easier for people to follow if I just show them an image that has all the mods already marked up. Worst case I can just strip off all the parts from a Protoboard and take new pictures but I hate to trash a board just to get an image of the PCB when I might be able to get something usable by asking.
Anyone reading the article that attempts to follow along and build the project will need to buy a Parallax Protoboard from Parallax. Having the image available will just help them successfully complete the project.
If someone from Parallax happens to read this and can comment I would appreciate it. In the event nothing turns up I'll give them a call to explain what I am trying to do and why it would be helpful.
Best Regards,
I've only recently found Servo and only have one issue to date - but I look forward to reading your future articles!
I was unaware of your work, and I was just trying to help someone avoid potential difficulties - I apologize if I inadvertantly gave offense.
Your best bet is to PM Ken, he may be able to help you.
Best Wishes,
Please use mikronauts _at_ gmail _dot_ com to contact me off-forum, my PM is almost totally full
Morpheus & Mem+dual Prop SBC w/ 512KB kit $119.95, 2MB memory IO board kit $89.95, both kits $189.95 - my site 6.250MHz custom Crystals for running Propellers at 100MHz
Las - Large model assembler for the Propeller Largos - a feature full nano operating system for the Propeller
I'm using the Propeller Protoboard for an article to submit to SERVO and the SX28/SX48 for one in the Nuts'N'Volts magazine. I've had several articles in SERVO from November 2007 on, January 2009 of the Nuts'N'Volts, and one in the current issue #19 of MAKE magazine. Had a break to catch up on other things and now I'm trying to get some new stuff out and get up to speed on the Propeller chip....
Post Edited (RobotWorkshop) : 9/21/2009 8:17:35 PM GMT
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