SPIN Text Coding, UTF16, ASCII and GIT
Posts: 114
i am using GIT as version control system. Its very easy to handle and
_very helpful_. One disadvantage of GIT is the lack of UTF16 support. So sometimes its a mess to commit SPIN files into git.
I tried to use
recode -f -g UTF-16..PC *.spin
(in Linux) to convert a file, but thats very dangerous, , mostly destroying the files.
I have seen that the forum software handles spin-files quite good. (upload and download).
So what tool are you using here?
Or is in 1.26 already an ASCII option? I am still using 1.25
Thanks for any hint
i am using GIT as version control system. Its very easy to handle and
_very helpful_. One disadvantage of GIT is the lack of UTF16 support. So sometimes its a mess to commit SPIN files into git.
I tried to use
recode -f -g UTF-16..PC *.spin
(in Linux) to convert a file, but thats very dangerous, , mostly destroying the files.
I have seen that the forum software handles spin-files quite good. (upload and download).
So what tool are you using here?
Or is in 1.26 already an ASCII option? I am still using 1.25
Thanks for any hint
Propeller Tools
The forum software simply handles them as binary blobs. It does not try and diff them like GIT will.
lt's not particularly silly, is it?
are you sure? I uploaded some code some days ago, and downloaded it yesterday again (because i had shredder-ed my own source with recode..without backup..)
And what i have seen that i got ASCII back, but maybe this was handled by my browser (Opera) i am not sure
lt's not particularly silly, is it?
does with *.spin files
you are right. Things happened by chance, or i can't reproduce/repeat what i have really done
on Sunday