Hello, Heater reminds me problems I met installing JAVA.
As a beginner I like PROCESSING (working with Linux, Mac or Windows) writing programs on my PC.
It seems to use Java , but installation and use are much easier. It is easy to create graphics and there are lots of libraries for serial communication, graphics, Opencv,sounds.
I'm only using Windows, so I guess it's no surprise that both tests (yours and Andy's) just loaded and ran super quick.
I really like the load-/run-it simplicity of these two tests (which was the icing on the cake with BradC's IDE - great work Brad), and if I really HAD to make a choice I guess I'd go with Java - but ONLY because it wouldn't get blocked by my work's firewall :GRIN:
That said; looks like PureBASIC might be the simplest cross-platform (?) - Andy: any chance of producing the MAC version - I might be able to get that tested?
simonl: I did not see any load and run simplicity of the Java test. Sill that's the point of the test.
It may be interesting to see what people can come up with.
Very hard to beat BradC's BST.
This test would be a tad more realistic if the examples had to include a serial connection. Not a Prop loader, but enough to talk to it when it's up.
For me, the past is not over yet.
heater said...
This test would be a tad more realistic if the examples had to include a serial connection. Not a Prop loader, but enough to talk to it when it's up.
Yes, and now you have a working JVM for that test.
It's nice to know what it takes for your system. Sorry it was such a bother.
I remember trying Debian Linux around 1998. It was a horrible experience ... here a crash, there a crash .... We did use Debian for an embedded code-base at Cisco recently which seemed fairly painless. Redhat was better. Then later Fedora was released ... very impressive workstation release !!! I used Suse Linux for several years at home with no problems. Ubuntu is on an old PC I use for some entertainment and besides the weekly 40MB updates and lack of real super user authority, I've been quite happy with it.
@heater, will you provide the Qt examples? It is new to me. The application is already in the examples, but I'm not sure how to deploy all 3 with libraries.
On IE8 clicking the program opens it as a zip file. Downloading the program IE8 changes the name to JavaSum.zip. Renameing the file JavaSum.jar and then double clicking it runs the program.
Instead of adding two numbers, I would like to submit the contents of the "client kit for viewport"- available here: mydancebot.com/viewport/clients.php The link also includes a video showing the kit in action...
All examples connect to the ViewPort server to read and write data from a program running on the Propeller.
Here are examples in Python, VB.net, C#, Excel and Matlab.
import win32ui,dde,sys,time
ddeClient = dde.CreateServer()
vp = dde.CreateConversation(ddeClient)
vp.ConnectTo("vp", "system")
#compile, load, and connect to a spin file
print "Spin file is sharing these:"+vp.Request("list")
#request and poke a variable
print "Variable m's value is:"+vp.Request("m")
print "After a poke, its value is:"+vp.Request("m")
raw_input("Press Enter to exit")
=vp|get!n 'when typed into an excel cell, continuously gets the value of spin variable "n"
Excel Macros
'Start DDE connection to ViewPort
channel = DDEInitiate("vp", "system")
'Connect ViewPort to Propeller
' DDEExecute channel, "load(a.spin)"
'Connect ViewPort to Propeller
DDEExecute channel, "connect"
'Set cell to list of names of Propeller variables
ActiveSheet.Cells(18, 2).Value = DDERequest(channel, "list")
'Set cell to detail of variable "n"
ActiveSheet.Cells(19, 2).Value = DDERequest(channel, "detail(n)")
'Read variable into cell once
ActiveSheet.Cells(20, 2).Value = DDERequest(channel, "n")
'Poke a value to variable m- only done once!
DDEPoke channel, "m", Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B21")
'Link m variable to cell
DDEExecute channel, "link(m,excel|excel client.xls!r22c2)]"
'Continually update cell with value of "n" variable from Propeller
ActiveSheet.Cells(24, 2).Value = "=vp|get!n"
ActiveWorkbook.SetLinkOnData "vp|get!n", "gotData"
'Start a trigger that fires when "n" rises above 250. Then, return n,m
ActiveSheet.Cells(25, 2).Value = "=vp|rise!n_2000_n_m"
ActiveWorkbook.SetLinkOnData "vp|rise!n_2000_n_m", "gotTrigger"
a = 0: b = 0
ActiveSheet.Cells(28, 2).Value = b
namespace csharp_client
public partial class Form1 : Form
vpClient.Main vp;
private delegate void doUIThread(string s);
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
vp = new vpClient.Main();
int array1int = vp.requestInts("array1")[noparse][[/noparse]0];
string array1str = vp.requestString("array1");
vp.advise += new Main.adviseEventHandler(vp_advise);
vp.startAdvise("array1", 12);
private void vp_advise(byte[noparse][[/noparse]] s, int format)
int v0,vn, n;
v0= BitConverter.ToInt32(s, 0);
string result;
result = string.Format("{0}", v0);
for (n = 1; n < 10; n++)
vn = BitConverter.ToInt32(s, n*4);
result+= string.Format("{0}{1}",Environment.NewLine , vn);
if (vn!=v0) {
throw new Exception("Mismatch!");
this.Invoke(new doUIThread(this.setTextbox), result);
private void setTextbox(string s)
textBox1.Text = s;
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim vp As vpClient.Main = New vpClient.Main()
TextBox1.Text = vp.requestString("m")
End Sub
End Class
NET.addAssembly('C:\propeller\dde\dotNetDll\vpClient.dll') %Open the Propeller Viewport DLL
vpObj=vpClient.Main(); %create the viewport .Net object
vpMsg=vpObj.connect; %connect to the VP server, vpMsg holds any messages
vpMsg=char(vpMsg); %We always need to convert from .Net datatypes to Matlab types
if strcmp(vpMsg,'Connected to server')
vpMsg=vpObj.requestString('list'); %get a list of variables in Viewport memory
x=vpObj.request('marray',12); %get the data from Viewport
x=double(x); %convert from .Net object to Matlab array of doubles
%plot our results
figure, subplot(2,1,1)
title('Sample vs t')
xlabel('Index (t)')
ylabel('Sample Value')
title('Magnitude of FFT vs Freq');
disp('Error: Cannot connect to Viewport');
vpMsg=vpObj.disconnect; %disconnect Viewport connection
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Download a free trial of ViewPort- the premier visual debugger for the Propeller
Includes full debugger, simulated instruments, fuzzy logic, and OpenCV for computer vision. Now a Parallax Product!
I was hoping you were working on a Python-ish variation.
@Hanno [noparse][[/noparse]... much deleted ...] oh never mind.
Does anyone here run Excel on Linux?
I do wish people would be more attracted to .net since that would make application development and deployment easier.
As it stands though, clearly this thread and its contributions so far prove there many options for cross platform and .net is just one.
Even I am considering Pascal again (ugh) because of BradC's work.
Hi Again,
Ok, I reread the instructions and here's my official entry [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The attached python program includes info to help windows people install python on their pc.
Load the spin program to the Propeller with ViewPort v4.2 and start the connection
The python program will prompt you for two numbers. It'll send them to the Propeller where they're added together. The python script then displays the returned value.
Required Feedback per the "rules": The "purebasic" app has a bug. Try typing in 3 digit numbers. Like 100+150...200??? Or even 12+120... =112??? Very odd, I couldn't figure out the pattern...
*GACK* - that seems like putting ketchup on ice cream :-O
... just kidding, of course.
RE .Net - I actually don't mind it on Winderz (If you have a fast enough internet connection, just let windows update pull it in [noparse][[/noparse]but turn off install of Internet Exploder 8 !])
> Pascal again (ugh)
LOL - back to the future, eh?
> Python-ish
OK as soon as I'm finished googling "how to repair a scr*wed up Ryobi 2-stroke yard trimmer," I'll look into it.
[noparse][[/noparse]EDIT --- Oh, Hanno just beat me to it!]
- H
If you hear me cursing in my yard, you know it's Ryobi !
Oh, wait Hanno - it has to be a GUI, not command line. Guess you could say that VP is providing the GUI, but I think Steve would also like a stand alone Py GUI. - H
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 9/19/2009 11:15:04 PM GMT
That said; looks like PureBASIC might be the simplest cross-platform (?) - Andy: any chance of producing the MAC version - I might be able to get that tested?
A MAC version needs to be compiled on a MAC with the PureBasic version for MAC, and I just not own a MAC.
But you can try to compile it by yourself. Download the Demo version of PureBasic for MAC (Link in my last post), and use the attached source. (Load TestFest.pb and press F5 {if it is the same as in Win and Linux}).
Hanno said...
Required Feedback per the "rules": The "purebasic" app has a bug. Try typing in 3 digit numbers. Like 100+150...200??? Or even 12+120... =112??? Very odd, I couldn't figure out the pattern...
I've set the value limits for the Input Widgets to 0..100, you see that if you change the value with the Up/Down arrows. That would be easy to change, but the range was not specified, so I just choosed a number.
Jazzed: "I do wish people would be more attracted to .net since that would make application development and deployment easier."
As we have already established this is only true in the tiny Windows world. Yes "tiny". Not as in number of users but as in number of different supported operating systems, CPU and platform architectures. Is that not the point of the "test fest".
For me, the past is not over yet.
Ariba- thanks for the clarification- although I still don't understand why it gives the interesting results [noparse]:)[/noparse] Heater- you're right, my python code is windows only- even more so since it relies on ViewPort for the connection to the Prop. And yes, it's also console only- not gui. So, I fail the cross-platform gui test fest and ability to parse this thread- I'll blame my kids for my lack of sleep- sorry about that! I still think my code is an interesting example of how to combine Propeller programming with PC programs- but I'll take that to a new thread.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Download a free trial of ViewPort- the premier visual debugger for the Propeller
Includes full debugger, simulated instruments, fuzzy logic, and OpenCV for computer vision. Now a Parallax Product!
Hanno, an interesting concept indeed. How about arranging the Windows ViewPort Propeller Server to accept network connections from clients. Then who cares what platform the clients are on or what language they use. One step in the cross platform direction. And wow, I can connect to my Propeller hardware set up from anywhere and hack on it.
For me, the past is not over yet.
at the risk of hijacking Steve's thread here a second... heater's made a great suggestion - it would be very useful and cool to have a little web server in viewport. That little server could be an admin page that lets you define IP connections both ways as well as port numbers to listen/send on. You're probably aware that there's tons of sample code in multiple prog. languages for making simple web servers and IP port stuff.
That would expand the power of Viewport to new levels indeed.
@Steve - working on a PyQt4 sample now... turns out I have to upgrade and set up some dev stuff, so it's a little more work on my side than I thought. Not sure yet how much/if that affects what a user will have to install.
- H
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 9/21/2009 3:37:07 PM GMT
I don't know other platforms (except Win), but because Hanno is using DDE this already works on network for Win platforms. It's enough the DDE over network service is enabled. If DDE is supported on other platforms too, than it should work also there.
Well, DDE is a Windows thang [noparse]:)[/noparse] I guess Wine supports that since it predates Windows 2000.
I've decided to look seriously at wxWidgets mainly because of the license exception which in part states:
Snip for focus. Full license exception is on the wxWidgets web site.
1. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give
permission for additional uses of the text contained in this release of
the library as licenced under the wxWindows Library Licence, applying
either version 3.1 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version of
the Licence as published by the copyright holders of version
3.1 of the Licence document.
2. The exception is that you may use, copy, link, modify and distribute
under your own terms, binary object code versions of works based
on the Library.
As I understand it (please correct me if I'm wrong):
In LGPL terms, for wxWidgets "works based on the library" means that I can just distribute an executable
program which contains the wx library. The difference is: including the Qt LGPL library in my executable
means I have to give away my IP where the wxWidgets license means I do not.
If I want to use Qt and keep my IP, it would mean requiring the user to have a library separate from my
executable ... which I could provide. Problem is as I read it, I can not restrict the user from using their
own library which may or may not work with my program. Of course it is possible that a user could fix a
library bug though I'm not sure how important that is to most users.
Heater, basically there is DDE servers and DDE clients. Each application that is made to be a DDE server have it's own (data) variables that can be accessed. That application must provide some documentation so that you can know how to code the client side. As you can see from hanno's examples he is using some methods which syntax can be slightly different from one language(application) to other but when the client side is sending some commands (eg. load a.spin) or requesting a variable value that commands/variable names must be known by the client and thus provided by the server application documentation.
Hi Guys,
I feel bad about polluting this thread- Jazzed had a great idea with his cross-platform test fest- let's let it continue here. I'll soon make another attempt to post a cross-platform gui app- that doesn't even use ViewPort!
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Download a free trial of ViewPort- the premier visual debugger for the Propeller
Includes full debugger, simulated instruments, fuzzy logic, and OpenCV for computer vision. Now a Parallax Product!
If I want to use Qt and keep my IP, it would mean requiring the user to have a library separate from my
executable ... which I could provide. Problem is as I read it, I can not restrict the user from using their
own library which may or may not work with my program. Of course it is possible that a user could fix a
library bug though I'm not sure how important that is to most users.
Legalities aside ...
If I were dumb enough to try my own version of rundll32.exe, I'd be getting what I asked for.· But if that "separate library" were in the one directory where your GUI/app lives, wouldn't that isolate it and work?··That's pretty common in Win. ... not sure about the other OS'es though.
wxWigets are nice too, yet·QT4 seems·better, more robust.··
But if the LGPL hamstrings you, what else can you do? Ah, it's the old third party library issue again...
For me, the past is not over yet.
As a beginner I like PROCESSING (working with Linux, Mac or Windows) writing programs on my PC.
It seems to use Java , but installation and use are much easier. It is easy to create graphics and there are lots of libraries for serial communication, graphics, Opencv,sounds.
I'm only using Windows, so I guess it's no surprise that both tests (yours and Andy's) just loaded and ran super quick.
I really like the load-/run-it simplicity of these two tests (which was the icing on the cake with BradC's IDE - great work Brad), and if I really HAD to make a choice I guess I'd go with Java - but ONLY because it wouldn't get blocked by my work's firewall :GRIN:
That said; looks like PureBASIC might be the simplest cross-platform (?) - Andy: any chance of producing the MAC version - I might be able to get that tested?
Announcement: To cut costs in the current economic climate, we have switched-off the light at the end of the tunnel.
It may be interesting to see what people can come up with.
Very hard to beat BradC's BST.
This test would be a tad more realistic if the examples had to include a serial connection. Not a Prop loader, but enough to talk to it when it's up.
For me, the past is not over yet.
It's nice to know what it takes for your system. Sorry it was such a bother.
I remember trying Debian Linux around 1998. It was a horrible experience ... here a crash, there a crash .... We did use Debian for an embedded code-base at Cisco recently which seemed fairly painless. Redhat was better. Then later Fedora was released ... very impressive workstation release !!! I used Suse Linux for several years at home with no problems. Ubuntu is on an old PC I use for some entertainment and besides the weekly 40MB updates and lack of real super user authority, I've been quite happy with it.
@heater, will you provide the Qt examples? It is new to me. The application is already in the examples, but I'm not sure how to deploy all 3 with libraries.
Propeller Tools
Sneaky how you got Sun's Java installed here [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Eight years ago we were running WEB shops on Debian. Didn't give us any trouble by then.
For me, the past is not over yet.
John Abshier
Oh my PITA. Sounds like my Google Chrome experience. Glad you got it working.
BTW: Thanks to all of you who have participated so far !!!
Propeller Tools
All examples connect to the ViewPort server to read and write data from a program running on the Propeller.
Here are examples in Python, VB.net, C#, Excel and Matlab.
Excel Macros
Download a free trial of ViewPort- the premier visual debugger for the Propeller
Includes full debugger, simulated instruments, fuzzy logic, and OpenCV for computer vision. Now a Parallax Product!
anyone working on the PyQt version ? [noparse]:)[/noparse])
- H
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 9/19/2009 9:40:53 PM GMT
I'll try some of those today or tomorrow. Nice work.
- Howard
I was hoping you were working on a Python-ish variation.
@Hanno [noparse][[/noparse]... much deleted ...] oh never mind.
Does anyone here run Excel on Linux?
I do wish people would be more attracted to .net since that would make application development and deployment easier.
As it stands though, clearly this thread and its contributions so far prove there many options for cross platform and .net is just one.
Even I am considering Pascal again (ugh) because of BradC's work.
Propeller Tools
- Propalyzer: Propeller PC Logic Analyzer
- BMA: An on-chip PASM Debugger
- SPUD: Spin Source Level Debugger
Post Edited (jazzed) : 9/19/2009 10:26:21 PM GMTOk, I reread the instructions and here's my official entry [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The attached python program includes info to help windows people install python on their pc.
Load the spin program to the Propeller with ViewPort v4.2 and start the connection
The python program will prompt you for two numbers. It'll send them to the Propeller where they're added together. The python script then displays the returned value.
Required Feedback per the "rules": The "purebasic" app has a bug. Try typing in 3 digit numbers. Like 100+150...200??? Or even 12+120... =112??? Very odd, I couldn't figure out the pattern...
*GACK* - that seems like putting ketchup on ice cream :-O
... just kidding, of course.
RE .Net - I actually don't mind it on Winderz (If you have a fast enough internet connection, just let windows update pull it in [noparse][[/noparse]but turn off install of Internet Exploder 8 !])
> Pascal again (ugh)
LOL - back to the future, eh?
> Python-ish
OK as soon as I'm finished googling "how to repair a scr*wed up Ryobi 2-stroke yard trimmer," I'll look into it.
[noparse][[/noparse]EDIT --- Oh, Hanno just beat me to it!]
- H
If you hear me cursing in my yard, you know it's Ryobi !
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 9/19/2009 11:15:04 PM GMT
A MAC version needs to be compiled on a MAC with the PureBasic version for MAC, and I just not own a MAC.
But you can try to compile it by yourself. Download the Demo version of PureBasic for MAC (Link in my last post), and use the attached source. (Load TestFest.pb and press F5 {if it is the same as in Win and Linux}).
I've set the value limits for the Input Widgets to 0..100, you see that if you change the value with the Up/Down arrows. That would be easy to change, but the range was not specified, so I just choosed a number.
Post Edited (Ariba) : 9/20/2009 3:48:41 AM GMT
I thought this thread was testing material for cross-platform GUI interfaces?
lt's not particularly silly, is it?
As we have already established this is only true in the tiny Windows world. Yes "tiny". Not as in number of users but as in number of different supported operating systems, CPU and platform architectures. Is that not the point of the "test fest".
For me, the past is not over yet.
This is cross platform in which way ?
For me, the past is not over yet.
Download a free trial of ViewPort- the premier visual debugger for the Propeller
Includes full debugger, simulated instruments, fuzzy logic, and OpenCV for computer vision. Now a Parallax Product!
For me, the past is not over yet.
at the risk of hijacking Steve's thread here a second... heater's made a great suggestion - it would be very useful and cool to have a little web server in viewport. That little server could be an admin page that lets you define IP connections both ways as well as port numbers to listen/send on. You're probably aware that there's tons of sample code in multiple prog. languages for making simple web servers and IP port stuff.
That would expand the power of Viewport to new levels indeed.
@Steve - working on a PyQt4 sample now... turns out I have to upgrade and set up some dev stuff, so it's a little more work on my side than I thought. Not sure yet how much/if that affects what a user will have to install.
- H
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 9/21/2009 3:37:07 PM GMT
· Propeller Object Exchange (last Publications / Updates)
For me, the past is not over yet.
· Propeller Object Exchange (last Publications / Updates)
Where can I read the DDE specification, so as to be able to write some code to talk with it?
For me, the past is not over yet.
I've decided to look seriously at wxWidgets mainly because of the license exception which in part states:
As I understand it (please correct me if I'm wrong):
In LGPL terms, for wxWidgets "works based on the library" means that I can just distribute an executable
program which contains the wx library. The difference is: including the Qt LGPL library in my executable
means I have to give away my IP where the wxWidgets license means I do not.
If I want to use Qt and keep my IP, it would mean requiring the user to have a library separate from my
executable ... which I could provide. Problem is as I read it, I can not restrict the user from using their
own library which may or may not work with my program. Of course it is possible that a user could fix a
library bug though I'm not sure how important that is to most users.
Propeller Tools
Heater, basically there is DDE servers and DDE clients. Each application that is made to be a DDE server have it's own (data) variables that can be accessed. That application must provide some documentation so that you can know how to code the client side. As you can see from hanno's examples he is using some methods which syntax can be slightly different from one language(application) to other but when the client side is sending some commands (eg. load a.spin) or requesting a variable value that commands/variable names must be known by the client and thus provided by the server application documentation.
At the end is easier to make than to describe
· Propeller Object Exchange (last Publications / Updates)
I feel bad about polluting this thread- Jazzed had a great idea with his cross-platform test fest- let's let it continue here. I'll soon make another attempt to post a cross-platform gui app- that doesn't even use ViewPort!
Here's a nice ViewPort/DDE thread- please comment about DDE/ViewPort there...
Download a free trial of ViewPort- the premier visual debugger for the Propeller
Includes full debugger, simulated instruments, fuzzy logic, and OpenCV for computer vision. Now a Parallax Product!
If I were dumb enough to try my own version of rundll32.exe, I'd be getting what I asked for.· But if that "separate library" were in the one directory where your GUI/app lives, wouldn't that isolate it and work?··That's pretty common in Win. ... not sure about the other OS'es though.
wxWigets are nice too, yet·QT4 seems·better, more robust.··
But if the LGPL hamstrings you, what else can you do? Ah, it's the old third party library issue again...