Custom Characters on Parallax Serial LCD Displays
Posts: 66
I see that the Parallax serial LCD displays can store 8 user-defined custom characters.· I was looking at the Jameco website for other LCD options and saw a few that were serial LCD's with a graphic image being shown next to some text on the screen.· If needed, is it possible to quickly·re-write the display's RAM to have more than 8 custom characters/ graphics?· I imagine that the re-write speed depends on the communication speed but any ideas how fast this could be done?· Anything similar to the re-fresh rate on a TV or computer monitor, etc?· I am thinking that 'images' could be stored in a Propeller's data table·and called as needed.· Has anyone done this?
Rob W.
P.S. Still kicking myself for not picking up 1 or 2 of the 4 x 20 displays on sale for $22 a few weeks ago. Ahhh!
I see that the Parallax serial LCD displays can store 8 user-defined custom characters.· I was looking at the Jameco website for other LCD options and saw a few that were serial LCD's with a graphic image being shown next to some text on the screen.· If needed, is it possible to quickly·re-write the display's RAM to have more than 8 custom characters/ graphics?· I imagine that the re-write speed depends on the communication speed but any ideas how fast this could be done?· Anything similar to the re-fresh rate on a TV or computer monitor, etc?· I am thinking that 'images' could be stored in a Propeller's data table·and called as needed.· Has anyone done this?
Rob W.
P.S. Still kicking myself for not picking up 1 or 2 of the 4 x 20 displays on sale for $22 a few weeks ago. Ahhh!
Maybe you just saw some predefined ROM characters like this one below.
I doubt you would get very far trying to make it into a graphics display.
You wrote that it is difficult to know where the cursor is. Is it possible to keep track of the number of characters in a string by using a variable, or keep track of the cursor location in a variable / memory location?
What started this, as I originally wrote, is that I saw a display with a spedometer type graphic and a speed printed in text on the right side of the graphic. There was an arrow in the graphic.
Here is the link:
I was thinking that if the user-defined characters could be updated fairly quickly then the arrow in the graphic could 'move' relative to the speed being show in text. I understand that this would require many pre-defined characters in a data table that might be called up and sent to the LCD as required. This is just what I had in mind when I posted may original message. Just wondering if it was possible or pointless. I know that the graphics/image would be nothing to compare to a TV or VGA output but was just curious.