Propeller II news ?
I see it's been quite a while (12 months?!) since any mention of Propeller II ?
Did this get canned, a casualty of the recession, or is it still coming ?
What reminded me, was this news from Cypress, on their PSoC3, PSoC5
Not quite Multicore, but it does expand the PLD area to 20/24 tiles of 2x12C4 size,
so you get what looks like ~ 192 Macrocells, ~384 Product Terms
- not massive, but good for many IO tasks.
Each tile also contains what I'd call a nano-core : a teensy looping controller
[noparse][[/noparse]"This 8-bit wide datapath contains structured
logic to implement a dynamically configurable ALU, a variety
of compare configurations and condition generation."]
Did this get canned, a casualty of the recession, or is it still coming ?
What reminded me, was this news from Cypress, on their PSoC3, PSoC5
Not quite Multicore, but it does expand the PLD area to 20/24 tiles of 2x12C4 size,
so you get what looks like ~ 192 Macrocells, ~384 Product Terms
- not massive, but good for many IO tasks.
Each tile also contains what I'd call a nano-core : a teensy looping controller
[noparse][[/noparse]"This 8-bit wide datapath contains structured
logic to implement a dynamically configurable ALU, a variety
of compare configurations and condition generation."]
Computers are microcontrolled.
Robots are microcontrolled.
I am microcontrolled.
But you·can·call me micro.
Want to·experiment with the SX or just put together a cool project?
SX Spinning light display·
(New avatar, gotta exercise it)
That new avatar of yours looks scarily like Dr Forbin
"The Forbin Project" - "There is Another".
Propeller Tools
Hello Rest Of The World
Hello Debris
Install a propeller and blow them away
Jon (JonnyMac) > Exactly. In 1999 ... The Propeller was released in 2006. These things take time.
Then again, maybe we could think about it so much as to make a contest out of it [noparse]:)[/noparse])
... assuming it doesn't fall under some obscure gambling rules, or some Las Vegas casino doesn't make a big deal out of it, why don't we have a little guess at the exact date the PropII shows up for sale (or is formally announced) on the Parallax home page? <G>
The winner could win something like a PropII Pro Dev Board (P2PDB ? or PIIPDVB?) ... I would't be surprised if Ken would be willing to spring for that [noparse]:)[/noparse])
So, Steve, from your last post here, would that mean you're wadgering the PropII was announced *yesterday* ? ;-P
And, Jon, calculating ahead from your post, that means you'd be placing your chips on Chip delivering on Sept 16th, 2016 ? <G>
- Howard
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 9/16/2009 5:49:31 PM GMT
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. "
- Thomas A. Edison
As a prominent political figure from last century once said: "There you go again!" ... making me think about it [noparse]:)[/noparse]
@Ken, actually It could be fair with a matrix with rows and columns denoting year and month respectively and cells picked at random by participants. The cells could be blocked but names kept anonymous except to the coordinator and the speculator until release day.
The closest holder to the release month would win the pot (ties would split it).
Propeller Tools
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. "
- Thomas A. Edison
Propeller Tools
Easy way to record the info but still keep it secret : Why not Just post all the guess info under the forum Help/rules section? ... since hardly anyone seems to read that section anyway.
I hope you're post doesn't get relegated to the "sandbox" by Parallax just because you mentioned another processor (has happened to me once before). Possible Propeller-competing parts should be discussed in the Propeller Forum IMHO. I don't think Parallax has anything to fear. The Propeller has its place and it is strong - again, IMHO.
Rgds, David
Gadget Gangster - Share your Electronic Projects
The result: the person who loves the Prop II the most will give up the reward to the other person who tied.
I'm in! Where do we start the guessing?
April, 2008: when I discovered the answers to all my micro-computational-botherations!
The BASIC Stamp 2 does not replace the BASIC Stamp 1,
it supplements it. The powerful BS2px does not replace
the BS2, it supplements it. I believe, in time, we will have
a complete Propeller line of various chips to choose from.
Not it can't
Only real uppgrade of Prop 1 to Prop 1.5 else other name can.
Nothing is impossible, there are only different degrees of difficulty.
For every stupid question there is at least one intelligent answer.
Don't guess - ask instead.
If you don't ask you won't know.
If your gonna construct something, make it·as simple as·possible yet as versatile as posible.