addictive social networking sites!!!

I see in some countries that the government has disabled access to addictive social networking sites to improve productivity during working hours. In a somewhat similar manner this forum seems addictive, did you all get your Prop fix today? this hour? However, although in some ways Prop forum addiction decreases actual work it also stimulates productivity and innovation, so there, hands off my Prop forum.
How many forums are there like this one? Any? I wouldn't think so. It's so active that if you walk away from the PC to make a coffee that you can come back and dozens of posts have been added. As I type dozens of post are added, new threads are started, ideas are born and others make their debut. I think it's impossible to keep up, all we can do is sift and sift in-between actually getting some work done.
To everyone who contributes to this forum, first timers and old timers alike, I say THANK YOU. It's a great forum and it is what it is because of the dynamics that comes about from such a mix of Prop heads. Also to Parallax themselves both for their product
, patience, and also for their liberal policies regarding use and moderation of the forum and not forgetting their interactive support (just doesn't happen elsewhere really).
On a general note it would be good if there were a central repository for attachments that could be accessed directly. There is so much code attached to posts that gets lost in the sheer volume of traffic. A good search engine helps but having a constantly updated topic index as well would be highly desirable. Maybe searchable topic tags that are author and user settable would help?
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's back to work I go (for the moment)
How many forums are there like this one? Any? I wouldn't think so. It's so active that if you walk away from the PC to make a coffee that you can come back and dozens of posts have been added. As I type dozens of post are added, new threads are started, ideas are born and others make their debut. I think it's impossible to keep up, all we can do is sift and sift in-between actually getting some work done.
To everyone who contributes to this forum, first timers and old timers alike, I say THANK YOU. It's a great forum and it is what it is because of the dynamics that comes about from such a mix of Prop heads. Also to Parallax themselves both for their product

On a general note it would be good if there were a central repository for attachments that could be accessed directly. There is so much code attached to posts that gets lost in the sheer volume of traffic. A good search engine helps but having a constantly updated topic index as well would be highly desirable. Maybe searchable topic tags that are author and user settable would help?
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's back to work I go (for the moment)
Do you have a link to the news article?
Isn't that what the OBEX is for? The general justification for not posting in the obex is because the object is polished enough, but then if the forums become the new obex wouldn't the forums transform into what it replaced? The same people would have the same justifications...
Anyway, interesting. I don't think banning a site is ever good, even for a limited time and even if it is facebook. Don't make rules that you can't enforce. Thanks for bringing it up.
Post Edited (SRLM) : 9/15/2009 1:27:20 AM GMT
This is the first one that I have been involved with and it seems to be the only one where you can get almost instant answers, comments on ideas, and great discussions.
This will be sandboxed soon :-(
I have not posted any of my code to the OBEX. Perhaps some of it was ready for prime time, but certainly some of it isn't. Perhaps I should go back and post the code there that qualifies. I now realise, you need to keep a couple of posts at the beginning of the thread so that major releases of code can be placed there, at the top of the thread.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade, RetroBlade,·TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
I come across articles all the time but this is what wikipedia says about one such site
Well that's where it's a problem in that there is so much code out there that hasn't been polished, stamped, and submitted. We are missing out on lots of treasure buried at the bottom of our "junkbox" that can be reused etc. I believe that the OBEX should maintain it's standard but that doesn't mean anything else should be ignored either. There are old threads that get bumped back up again that I had forgotten about or had not seen before and they have such useful information, maybe not OBEX standard but USEFUL.
Was a little turned off a couple weeks ago with all the AI stuff, but then I discovered the
the little "thumbs down" icon and life at this forum went back to normal for me. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
So you guys will have to let me know if something wonderful appears from that direction.
Actually, I enjoy the forums here so much that I actually closed a couple of my other
"social" network sites due to lack of use. The people here are 99% cool, 99% of time.
What's not to like. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
I've noticed a definite positive correlation between this forum's addictiveness the size of my documentation-writing backlog. As a consequence, it has a way of stimulating even further avoidance activity. But some of that activity has turned into projects in their own right — which now await documentation, too.
Sigh. It's hopeless! I'll always be behind.
MOORE'S LAW: The capabilities of electronics shall double every 18 months.
cloyd's corollary: Hardware is easy, software is hard.
You people are too cool!
You can learn so much just by reading through all the old threads.
I have a propeller dir and I save every tidbit of info that I find here
that seems interesting. I often just read through the little txt files
just looking for inspiration.
"Where am I? Where am I going? Why am I in a handbasket?"
IMHO, there is a difference between a forum, or message board, and social networking sites. The latter are basically, "ALL ABOUT ME, ME, ME!!". And that's fun and can be perfectly healthy, don't get me wrong. So we've got facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, etc.... I've been online since '91, and following how these things evolve, what impact they have on people, and most importantly, the dynamics that shape communities like this are something of great interest to me.
Slashdot, this forum, and others, are message board / forums. The difference is usually conversation being the focus, rather than who knows who, who looks at who, etc...
Typically, there is far less meta on forums and message boards. Social networking sites are almost all meta, with some discussion that happens.
meta = about the thing, whatever the thing is. This is a meta thread BTW, in that it's about the forum and the medium in general. By percentage, meta is fairly low here, and often just happen as a brief matter of conversation in progress. Frankly, that's somewhat unusual. Part of why I enjoy the company.
I've been contributing to /. for years. It's really dropped off my radar this last year or so. I'm kind of moving away from that angry, open source, f-microsoft, direction! (and that's probably a good thing). Don't mistake that for being a strong open code and strong open standards / hardware advocate though. That's kind of hardwired with me. Ars Technica is really great. I contribute there, on occasion, but mostly read. Ars has published some absolutely killer info over the years, and if I were Parallax, I would consider getting somebody over there to catch the fever. Lots of potential newbies, like I was, to rope in for some fun.
My interest in these kinds of things is really that place where society, technology and the law collide. We are literally making some history and law that will have a significant impact on our kids and later adult lives. Fun stuff. Go read for an idea of where I usually play here. That's copyright, IP, emulation, virtualization, first Amendment issues, net neutrality, etc.... code as law. (that's a scary one actually)
If you can't open it, you don't own it. IMHO, some level of advocacy there is necessary, or we get too many of the toys locked down, then angry geek comes out to play [noparse]:)[/noparse]
These days, it's this forum a lot of the time, a politics forum or two, almost no real social networking, ars and slash, and that's it. On a busy day, those can eat up a nice chunk of time. On slow days, they don't even really exist.
I love the people here. IMHO, we are one of the very best crowds for just quality of person, overall technical acumen, entrepreneurial spirit, and for having some fun. Just so the rest of you know, I am regularly inspired by what I read and do here. Thanks for that. Really. I almost left this scene for good, and now that I'm back and doing stuff, I must say it's just great. Now, how to explain to the Mrs. Potatohead about all that strange gear that continues to pile up.... [noparse]:)[/noparse] Absolutely wonderful problem to have!
What I like most about this forum is the ongoing conversation being nice and stable. We've got stuff progressing on a lot of fronts and it just kind of happens. When I have to step away for work and family, I can just stay connected here, drop back in and start rocking like nothing happened. Thanks for that stream of chatter too. It helps!
@Holly -->You nailed it! There is absolute gold to be found by digging in this forum. I go back and look for ideas and to revisit things fairly often. Takes some time, but more is there than I believe many people think!
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I actually spend more time here than actually doing stuff with the propeller.....I'm not shure that is a good thing....maybe I need to be more disiplined...
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The forums are great because people is really understanding and sympathetic. Something that is not present in many forums, sadly. I mean even if someone comes with a so-crazy-that-one-has-to-lol idea, nobody turns you down with rude commends, almost.
I remember there was a guy who wanted to do a kart with DC motors. We turn him down with good arguments: learn first, be careful, take your precautions, life is short you do not shorten it unnecessarily. And not like: it will blow because you are too dumb to realize the danger. And because of that I think the forums here are good.
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