It's Question Day - Propstick USB inquiry
Posts: 38
I see that the Propstick USB has an EEPROM connected to ports 28 and 29...which I won't be using for this project.· Should I remove the EEPROM (and the pullup on its data line) before attempting to use those ports for general purpose I/O?
are you aware of the fact that if you remove the eeprom you have to download your program to RAM EVERY time you switch off/on the powersupply or reset the propeller ?
As the resistor is a Pull-up it doesn't disturb the IO in general. If you would like to have a Pull-down-resistor for what reason ever you would have to change it
or other reason the pull-up as its name says pulls up the voltage-level. If you connect something to this pin during the bootprocess the pin will be high =3.3V
until you configure it as output and low
best regards