Make noise while moving
Is there any way to have a boe-bot make noise while moving? Can you make constant noise while it's running, as opposed to just beep-move-beep-move? And if you can, can you make it a pattern of frequencies. So like
FREQOUT 4, 100, 2000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 3000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 4000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 2000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 3000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 4000
And have it repeat that while moving?
FREQOUT 4, 100, 2000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 3000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 4000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 2000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 3000
FREQOUT 4, 100, 4000
And have it repeat that while moving?
Yes, but you need either a ServoPal or a SoundPal.
To run smoothly, servos need a stream of pulses at 50 times a second. Playing a sequence of sounds will delay those pulses. The ServoPal will send the stream of pulses while the Basic Stamp is doing other things - like playing sounds or checking sensors. The SoundPal works the same way, the BS2 can move on to other things while it plays the sounds.
Rich H
The Servo Boss, a 12 channel servo tester kit from Gadget Gangster.
·"If you build it, they will come."
· -- Carl,