motor controller problems
So my two robots each incorporate the HB25 motor controller, the RF Transmitter/Receiver modules, and an accelerometer, and I'm using the Basic Stamp 2. When the accelerometer value from the other robot is above a certain value (the receiver is constantly receiving the values)·the program instructs the motor to turn through the HB-25 motor controller. I'm having a lot of problems with this. The motor controller seems to be somehow interfering with the receiver-- I see the debug screen with all the accelerometer values from the other robot constantly streaming, and then I turn on the motor controller, and the values stop streaming. The motor only turns sometimes, and even with a simple program exclusively programming the motor controller, the motor inches forward very slowly and then goes full speed after about 5 seconds. sometimes the motor doesn't turn at all. it's just not consistent.·Have you ever heard of similar problems?
What I would do is disconnect power to the HB25, and plug the 3 pin to the HB25 to a servo instead and see if the servos move correctly. If that works then try the hb25 if that doesn't work it is either still a power issue or the hb25s have problems.
- Stephen
Do you have the specs/data sheet for the motors and what size (voltage) battery are you connecting the the motors?