SMD Component size/package visual ID charts???

In learning DipTrace (slowly...) I see that I need to know the package outline ID code to select the proper component if I want to make a PC board for my circuit.· This is fine for the components I need to buy new - but I have boxes and boxes of SM resistors, caps, diodes, etc., all in different sizes, and no idea what package they are in.· All I know is that probably 1000+ of my resistors are in a big 1210 package (.126 x .1) - but I have several different sizes that sre significantly smaller than that, and caps ranging from relatively huge electrolytics down to chip caps that I can fit 10 across on a single 1210 chip resistor...· I know all the values of these items - just no package IDs, so no idea what to select in DipTrace (or other PCB making software).
I have spent teh past hour looking through links on google for various permutations of "SMD package outline identification chart", and so here I am, finally, asking:· Does anyone have a simple chart - like a PDF - that I can print out, laminate, and just drop the particular component on it and line it up with the appropriate shape/outline???· I could get my digital micrometer out and spend a few weeks in seclusion in my workshop measuring all these things and figuring it out that way - but I believe someone must have made a chart already.· The closest thing I've found so far was on wikipedia (attached) - but it doesn't show the pads, and it doesn't even list the packages I know I have...·
Thanks for the info if any of you have such...
Dave X
I have spent teh past hour looking through links on google for various permutations of "SMD package outline identification chart", and so here I am, finally, asking:· Does anyone have a simple chart - like a PDF - that I can print out, laminate, and just drop the particular component on it and line it up with the appropriate shape/outline???· I could get my digital micrometer out and spend a few weeks in seclusion in my workshop measuring all these things and figuring it out that way - but I believe someone must have made a chart already.· The closest thing I've found so far was on wikipedia (attached) - but it doesn't show the pads, and it doesn't even list the packages I know I have...·
Thanks for the info if any of you have such...
Dave X
as for sorting your parts surface mount resisters are cheap chuckem and buy all 0603 sized resisters. there are kits you can buy with every single size available R-kits DATASHEET_06_25_09.pdf
if you need to sort if you post pics beside a penny i can probably tell you.
i am guessing dip trace has a standard package library. make a pcb with each package and print it off.
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What wrong with the micrometer or caliper? Get one size established, tape it to the lid of a box and it should be easy to compare the rest. A desktop lighted magnifying glass is a good thing to have for SMT parts.
Trash all loose resistors and caps unless there required as larger pkgs. Use 0603 as stated, order in cut tape 100 at a time per value. Mark the tape with a marker for easy ID.
I know it is hard to part with a box o' parts, but those parts will cost you more in lost time than they will gain you.
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 9/7/2009 5:44:14 PM GMT
@Todd: Simply can't part with this many parts - they are all in tape, clean and marked. Too good to trash. One of the tape reels has 1000+ SM green LEDs, another 1000+ yellow ones. Two completely different packages. This is just one example. I probably have enough parts to make the next version of the space shuttle's electronics!
That make & print idea may be the perfect solution... Thanks!
TO THAT END:· mctrivia's suggestion was the perfect, ultimate solution for this process, and to save anyone else the trouble of searching as have I, I have attached two files - the DipTrace original containing all the various package sizes I find that I have in these boxes, and a PDF version of it that also prints properly at 100% (for those who do not use DipTrace).· Now I can reference (and learn to visually ID at a glance) these many different packages I have.· I hope this proves useful ofr some folks in the future!· It sure worked for me!!
Thanks again mctrivia - one of those "Why didn't I think of that" things!· Glad you did!
Dave X
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
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Thanks again,
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
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