Sync Prop to DVD
T Chap
Posts: 4,223
I am thinking about a way to have the Propeller follow along with a DVD, where perhaps a rear channel that is not to be heard gets recorded with a tone. The Prop is always looping checking for a different frequency, and if so it does something relative to that frequency. Is there a better way than using a sine wave to input some info from a DVD using an audio track?
I'm not sure how well the tones might work recorded along with
normal audio for a dvd...unless they were very low they could be audible
and if they are that low they might be filtered out.
I'd use one stereo channel for the tones and run it only to the prop.
You can use a tone decoder chip like the NE567 to detect the tone.
The chip would cost a few dollars but would save having to code a
tone detection routine for the prop.
Maybe there is no need for multiple tones, just record and send data
patterns using a single tone frequency?
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep -
If you want to inject the signal into the video portion, there's plenty of available bandwidth in the vertical blanking interval. This is where timecodes and closed-captioning data go.
I assume you're making the DVD yourself and have full control of the data that goes on it, right?
Wonder why that didn't occur to me?
Inserting something directly into a video signal sounds really cool.
Overkill for this though...
If I record ntsc video using the video recording card in my pc there are
shifting patterns of dots on the top of the image but only on some channels.
It must be some sort of data up there, maybe to let automated equipment
know stuff like when commercials start...etc.
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep -
Overkill for this application though.
The "advert flag" TRHC of pic was a visual cue, it was a small block of free running 1MHz that came on at least 1 min before, and went off exactly 5 seconds to the break. This was ok when the domestic sets overscanned and there were "safe areas" that didn't get seen. Now there are no such luxuries. If the actions do not have to be frame acurate then an audio system will be the simplest. Sub-audible or super-audible could be used, that would only annoy people with humongous bass bins, children, bats and small dogs ( if you didn't filter it off )
Style and grace : Nil point
Post Edited (Radio Shack Jim) : 9/6/2009 12:02:33 PM GMT
I dont think it would be easy to play with the vertical interval bits, without some specalist hardware, and so the audio route will be the way to go. Any decent editor software should allow audio possibilities. BBC TX networks used phase modulated carriers to send telemetry on transmissions and did try sub-audio to keep the network on during a programme for the deaf, which had no sound. Didn't work. (Yes, it wasn't a radio programme)
Style and grace : Nil point
Post Edited (Toby Seckshund) : 9/6/2009 12:39:03 PM GMT
Post Edited (Todd Chapman) : 9/6/2009 1:54:05 PM GMT