More help with counters. Simple minded use of Duty cycle mode
Posts: 460
I'm trying to use the Duty cycle section in the Prop App note (AN001) to get a 50% duty square wave. Although that's not my final goal I thought I should start very simply since I'm not very familiar with using the counters.
I understand I need to setup the CTRA and FRQA registers. I
When I run this I get a very ratty waveform that looks to be beyond the abilities of my 50Mhz scope. I suspect that I was missing the fact that in this mode the outgoing waveform will be 80Mhz (since that's my system clock) and I only have control over the duty. Is that correct?
Is there a way to slow this down without adjusting the system clock? What I'd really like is a user selectable frequency and duty cycle. Most likely it would be something like 150Khz wave with 1.5% duty cycle. To put it another way, I need the high part of the waveform to be as narrow as 100ns, but I only need a new cycle about every ~6uSec.
I had some brute force PASM code, but I couldn't get the smallest high-time below 150nS because it took me too many instructions.
Does anyone know how to divide down the clock for Duty mode?
I understand I need to setup the CTRA and FRQA registers. I
PUB Duty_mode ' mode PLL BPIN APIN '1_09876_543_21098765_432109_876_543210 CTRA := %0_00110_000_00000000_000000_000_010011 'Establish mode and APIN (BPIN is ignored) ' PHSA := 0 FRQA := $8000_0000 'Set FRQA so PHSA[noparse][[/noparse]31] toggles every clock dira[noparse][[/noparse]%1_0011] := 1 'Set APIN to output repeat 'infinite loop, so counter continues to run
When I run this I get a very ratty waveform that looks to be beyond the abilities of my 50Mhz scope. I suspect that I was missing the fact that in this mode the outgoing waveform will be 80Mhz (since that's my system clock) and I only have control over the duty. Is that correct?
Is there a way to slow this down without adjusting the system clock? What I'd really like is a user selectable frequency and duty cycle. Most likely it would be something like 150Khz wave with 1.5% duty cycle. To put it another way, I need the high part of the waveform to be as narrow as 100ns, but I only need a new cycle about every ~6uSec.
I had some brute force PASM code, but I couldn't get the smallest high-time below 150nS because it took me too many instructions.
Does anyone know how to divide down the clock for Duty mode?
Thanks for the suggestion. I took a look at that and it uses the NCO mode of the counter which I believe only allows 50% duty. I need to be able to vary the duty cycle so I think I've got to use the Duty mode. I need to vary the Frequency which I'm not sure is possible in that mode.
Thanks for responding. After reading your post I realized I didn't present my problem accurately. It still may not be possible, but I think it makes my requirements a bit easier.
I need a stable waveform that has a given frequency and duty cycle. If I need to change that duty cycle, I'm happy to shutdown the cog, re-program the registers and start up again. Once I've picked a frequency and duty cycle, that cog will stay that way until I kill it off. So my request for varying-duty isn't accurate. If I can simply select the duty cycle and frequency, I'll be satisfied.
Do you have an example of some PASM that shows how to fix the output frequency?
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Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 9/3/2009 3:27:37 PM GMT
Thanks for all the leads. I'm convinced there's a way to get this working the way I need to. Now I've just got to get through all these suggestions and figure out which works best/simplest.
Tracy Allen