Multiple Prop Names - Fill In the Blanks
Posts: 5,770
Multiple Prop Names
from Greek and Latin
1- MonoProp or UniProp
2- DiProp or BiProp or DuoProp
3- TriProp
4- TetraProp or QuadProp
5- PentaProp or QuintProp
6- HexProp or SexProp (not recommended)
7- HeptProp or SeptProp
8- OctoProp
9- EnneaProp or NonProp (not recommended)
10- DecProp
12- DoDecaProp
20- IcosaProp or VigintProp
30- TriacontaProp or TrigintProp
40- TetracontaProp or QuadragintProp
50- PentacontaProp or QuinquagintProp
60- HexacontaProp or SexagintProp
70- HeptacontaProp or SeptuagintProp
80- OctacontaProp or OctogintProp
90- EnneacontaProp or NonagintProp
100- HectProp or CentProp
1000- KiloProp
1,000,000- MegaProp
1,000,000,000- GigaProp
1,000,000,000,000- TrillProp
000,000,000,000,000,0- GoogolProp 10^(10^2)=10^(100) which is a 1 with 100 zeros following it
10^(10^(100))- GoogolplexProp
Infinity Numbers- InfiniProp
Aleph-0-Prop- the "small" infinite set of integers
Aleph-1-Prop- smallest infinite set of Propellers larger than aleph_0_Prop (Aleph-0-Prop), which in turn is equal to the cardinality of the set of countable ordinal numbers of Props
Multiple Prop Names from Humor
13 - TeenProp
14 - MyDaughterIsInHighSchoolProp
15 - GotMyPermit!Prop
16 - PleeeezeBuyMeACarDad!Prop
17 - YippieGraduatedHighSchoolProp
18 - AgeOfConsentProp -or- YouCanJoinUSArmyButStillNotDrinkProp
21 - OkToBuyBeerProp
23 - ShouldHaveDegreeByNowProp
00 - NotAProp- when the Prop chip is not in stock
PromProp- Props get together on the big night
18 - PalmiProp (from palmitic acid)
22 - FishaProp (some fish fats have 22+ carbons fatty acids)
60 - BuckyProp (find yourself why)
MegaFlop (doesn't work)
53: B-DayProp (today, mine, grease up to the ellbows fitting new glass-scales to the mill)
24 - GordonProp (a prop based device that shows Jeff Gordon's current stats from
37 - I'm37I'mNotOldProp (From Monty Python's Holy Grail)
762 - FeynmanProp (Feynman Point)
777 - HolyProp (Use OBC's Ham Radio Tester program but put the Bible on the SD card???)
HalloweenProp (for Oct. 31st)
NewProp (the Prop II)
GotAProp (happy new owner)
TopProp (showing its rating)
StopProp (the buck stops here)
DropProp (takes licking and keeps ticking)
OpProp (dedicated operands and op code)
DotProp (smaller than 44-Pin QFN Chip)
ShrunkProp (went through the washing machine)
PiProp (3.1415... )
Post Edited (humanoido) : 9/1/2009 6:12:57 AM GMT
from Greek and Latin
1- MonoProp or UniProp
2- DiProp or BiProp or DuoProp
3- TriProp
4- TetraProp or QuadProp
5- PentaProp or QuintProp
6- HexProp or SexProp (not recommended)
7- HeptProp or SeptProp
8- OctoProp
9- EnneaProp or NonProp (not recommended)
10- DecProp
12- DoDecaProp
20- IcosaProp or VigintProp
30- TriacontaProp or TrigintProp
40- TetracontaProp or QuadragintProp
50- PentacontaProp or QuinquagintProp
60- HexacontaProp or SexagintProp
70- HeptacontaProp or SeptuagintProp
80- OctacontaProp or OctogintProp
90- EnneacontaProp or NonagintProp
100- HectProp or CentProp
1000- KiloProp
1,000,000- MegaProp
1,000,000,000- GigaProp
1,000,000,000,000- TrillProp
000,000,000,000,000,0- GoogolProp 10^(10^2)=10^(100) which is a 1 with 100 zeros following it
10^(10^(100))- GoogolplexProp
Infinity Numbers- InfiniProp
Aleph-0-Prop- the "small" infinite set of integers
Aleph-1-Prop- smallest infinite set of Propellers larger than aleph_0_Prop (Aleph-0-Prop), which in turn is equal to the cardinality of the set of countable ordinal numbers of Props
Multiple Prop Names from Humor
13 - TeenProp
14 - MyDaughterIsInHighSchoolProp
15 - GotMyPermit!Prop
16 - PleeeezeBuyMeACarDad!Prop
17 - YippieGraduatedHighSchoolProp
18 - AgeOfConsentProp -or- YouCanJoinUSArmyButStillNotDrinkProp
21 - OkToBuyBeerProp
23 - ShouldHaveDegreeByNowProp
00 - NotAProp- when the Prop chip is not in stock
PromProp- Props get together on the big night
18 - PalmiProp (from palmitic acid)
22 - FishaProp (some fish fats have 22+ carbons fatty acids)
60 - BuckyProp (find yourself why)
MegaFlop (doesn't work)
53: B-DayProp (today, mine, grease up to the ellbows fitting new glass-scales to the mill)
24 - GordonProp (a prop based device that shows Jeff Gordon's current stats from
37 - I'm37I'mNotOldProp (From Monty Python's Holy Grail)
762 - FeynmanProp (Feynman Point)
777 - HolyProp (Use OBC's Ham Radio Tester program but put the Bible on the SD card???)
HalloweenProp (for Oct. 31st)
NewProp (the Prop II)
GotAProp (happy new owner)
TopProp (showing its rating)
StopProp (the buck stops here)
DropProp (takes licking and keeps ticking)
OpProp (dedicated operands and op code)
DotProp (smaller than 44-Pin QFN Chip)
ShrunkProp (went through the washing machine)
PiProp (3.1415... )
Post Edited (humanoido) : 9/1/2009 6:12:57 AM GMT
1,000,000- MegaProp
1,000,000,000- GigaProp
1,000,000,000,000- TrillProp or TetraProp?
Now only Bill can afford these but since they don't run windoze I suppose he's not interested.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBladeProp, RamBlade, TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
The challenge: How complete (and big!) can we make this list???
Hey! Don't worry about Bill. Maybe we'll do some kind of virtual
gadzillion prop emulator all in software!
13 - TeenProp
14 - MyDaughterIsInHighSchoolProp
15 - GotMyPermit!Prop
16 - PleeeezeBuyMeACarDad!Prop
17 - YippieGraduatedHighSchoolProp
18 - AgeOfConsentProp -or- YouCanJoinUSArmyButStillNotDrinkProp
21 - OkToBuyBeerProp
23 - ShouldHaveDegreeByNowProp
Propeller Tools
A GoogolProp is a large number or Propellers equal to 10^(10^2)=10^(100) (i.e., a 1 with 100 zeros following it) Propellers. Written out explicitly.
A GoogolplexProp is a large number of Propellers equal to 10^(10^(100)) (i.e., 1 with a googol number of 0s written after it) Propellers.
An InfiniProp ... well, you know, much much bigger than that number of Propeller chips.
A set of Propeller chips having the same cardinal number as the "small" infinite set of integers. Bit like an InfiniProp.
The smallest infinite set of Propellers larger than aleph_0_Prop (Aleph-0-Prop), which in turn is equal to the cardinality of the set of countable ordinal numbers of Props.
Definitions mangled courtesy of WolframMathWorld.
For me, the past is not over yet.
There is Not A DIP Propeller chip availabe.
For me, the past is not over yet.
18 - PalmiProp (from palmitic acid)
22 - FishaProp (some fish fats have 22+ carbons fatty acids)
60 - BuckyProp (find yourself why)
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller
OMU for the pPropQL/020
53: B-DayProp (today, mine, grease up to the ellbows fitting new glass-scales to the mill).
Never use force, just go for a bigger hammer!
The DIY Digital-Readout for mills, lathes etc.:
Post Edited (Nick Mueller) : 8/31/2009 8:33:30 PM GMT
Propeller Tools
Sorry, too late! It's past midnight here in Bavaria.
Never use force, just go for a bigger hammer!
The DIY Digital-Readout for mills, lathes etc.:
Propeller Tools
37 - I'm37I'mNotOldProp (From Monty Python's Holy Grail)
762 - FeynmanProp (Feynman Point)
777 - HolyProp (Use OBC's Ham Radio Tester program but put the Bible on the SD card???)
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
NewProp (the Prop II)
GotAProp (happy new owner)
TopProp (showing its rating)
StopProp (the buck stops here)
DropProp (takes licking and keeps ticking)
OpProp (dedicated operands and op code)
DotProp (smaller than 44-Pin QFN Chip)
ShrunkProp (went through the washing machine)
How about
3.1415... PiProp
For the higher numbers, the names will be useful for emulation and
various projects, even theoretical papers or doodling. A humor section
was started by jazz for the lighter side.
PiProp name... I can see where someone may want to
dedicate their prop to calculating Pi out to a high number of places
using special floating point routines.