has anyone built a hobby type pulse generator using prop or basic stamp
Hey guys I am in need of a fairly low end pulse generator I need to use with my HP1600A logic analyzer , I got it to work just using a prop and basically setting it up to output a square wave but I was wondering if anyone has somehting with a tad bit more options maybe even a GUI interface, I did buy that book on building your own electronics work bench but the pulse generator is way more complex than I need it also uses parts I do not have.
Thanks guys
Thanks guys
Try this link and just write your own signal generator.
This is just back round code for the propeller, in any Cog.
___Think about it_____$WMc%___________
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
This will let you do ac square wave pulses as well as dc and adds little complexity.
Might as well make it multi channel since there are lots of pins
You can build up an H-bridge from 6 small signal transistors, lots of schematics
just google.
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
Basically, the firmware reads a 10-switch SPST DIP switch for the square wave pattern, and a 10-position BCD encoder switch for the frequency, and a DPST switch for HI/LO timing. The highest speed is 1mSec per pulse, and that took a lot of skull sweat to get out of the Stamp!
Normally I would use a 555 timer with a pot if I just wanted a simple square wave, but I wanted to be able to have patterns like 0101101110.
I did bread board a simple one with a 555 timer but it was just really a square wave output I could not change the frequency.
Phil for immediate use the HP 1600A Logic analyzer requires a stable 10K clock input for slow stuff 0-10Meg but to read 10-20 Meg logic I need to be able to set the clock frequency
anywhere from 9K-20 Meg depending and what speed logic I am measuring,, So I thought being able to change the clock output via switches or program options would be awesome , something like what RiJoRi described, Holly that's funny you suggested that because for Shts and grins to see if the HP even worked I used a PWM program for the prop I got off the Obex site. Of course it was just a fixed freq out but it did in fact work good enough for me to make sure the HP worked and it did, so now I figured it would be nice to build something a little more controllable.
$WMc% Thank you I will check it out tonight when I get home, Oh by the way awesome car do you race it????? I live in CT it sucks because the close's track is 3 hours from me and on test and tune you are lucky if you get to make 2 runs after waiting all day and every single time I go some tuner will puke his guts out all over the track and lucky me gets that lane it should be a rule all tuners have to wear diapers if your going to be an Azz and try and stuff 300 HP shot of Nitrous into your little 4 banger then you have to wear an adult diaper LOL for your engine to LMAO