Hi from UK
Hi to all,
Have completed first BoE BOT to "roming with whiskers" stage, with no probs.
Electronics background with·some BASIC experience ( about a lifetime ago ). Used paper tape back then!!
Replaced piezo buzzer with thinner type which fits on chassis, connected by fly leads. This de-clutters breadboard area.
Need to go back & fine tune servo rev's, but first I'm going to make a "rev counter".· This will be 4" card disk marked up to show nearest 0.05 revs.· Will blue tack it to chassis behind wheel. Servos can by turned ( slowly ) by hand to start mark, then number of rev's per PULSOUT can by measured.· This fig. needs to be as·accurate as possible to multiple up to rpm.
Not sure if servo's change characteristics with time ( i.e. loosen up, wear / backlash in gears etc. ).
Should I need to replace either of them, then they will have to be rebalanced.· So, taking the time to measure rev's accurately will be an usefull exercise.
Have completed first BoE BOT to "roming with whiskers" stage, with no probs.
Electronics background with·some BASIC experience ( about a lifetime ago ). Used paper tape back then!!
Replaced piezo buzzer with thinner type which fits on chassis, connected by fly leads. This de-clutters breadboard area.
Need to go back & fine tune servo rev's, but first I'm going to make a "rev counter".· This will be 4" card disk marked up to show nearest 0.05 revs.· Will blue tack it to chassis behind wheel. Servos can by turned ( slowly ) by hand to start mark, then number of rev's per PULSOUT can by measured.· This fig. needs to be as·accurate as possible to multiple up to rpm.
Not sure if servo's change characteristics with time ( i.e. loosen up, wear / backlash in gears etc. ).
Should I need to replace either of them, then they will have to be rebalanced.· So, taking the time to measure rev's accurately will be an usefull exercise.

Everything mechanical that moves changes due to wear, so taking "day 0" measurements is a good idea.
Good luck with your projects.