Mini Monster Boe Bot
· This is my first robot and first experience with the Parallax Basic Stamp. I would like to thank everyone in this forum that helped me through out this project. It started as a simple Boe Bot and grew. Inside the erector set frame is the original undrilled or modified boe bot chasses. The mattrax were from a Radio Shack R/C car and alot of basement engineering was involved. It uses 2 Sharp IR sensors converted to an ajustable distance hi lo TTL signal. It uses a Parallax Ping sensor set up along with a Parallax 5 button R/C control and a BS2 Homework board. It grew to over 6 lbs and needed a servo update. I used 2 heavy duty modified servos. The null pots that use to be on the output shaft had to be moved outside and retuned the·analog with new pulsout values. An audio amp was added for greater volume for outdoor use. I use a varity of tones for audio feedback to identify sub routines. The IR sensors are on one bar and can be easily moved up togather for outdoor use and still avoid the grass and going under cars. The back wheels actually float about 1/2' above the ground and only keep it from flipping when climbing. The R/C control can overide automatic roaming and has a servo disable relay for a rest and start mode. I also had to add a bumper switch to save it from blind spots like chair legs and such. It carrys 3 rechargable battery packs. one AA x 5 for the electronics, one sub-C x6 for the servos and one AAx8 for the laser, headlights and TV camera. It can run about 2 hours continously and not get stuck indoors on it's own ( not counting stairs). The R/C is really usefull for guidence and emergancy stopping. By accident I found out the laser was very usefull and was picked up by the camera better then expectted. I have 2 I/O ports left and 1 R/C push button unused and am considering adding a Cannon Sure Shot camera or metal detector on the front bumper panel in the future. Those servos are really strong and even slip the mattrax. Here are some videos, pics, schematics, and the modified program. I think my next project will be a little simpiler.
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Post Edited (Prettybird) : 8/13/2009 5:32:42 AM GMT
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Post Edited (Prettybird) : 8/13/2009 5:32:42 AM GMT
It makes it a whole lot easier to design and change my mindon things, other than the wholes do not line up very well.
Tia'Shar Manetheren
Tia'Shar Manetheren
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
I think next time you should go bigger!!!
"If only I could do what I think, then it would be done and I can do the other things I haven't thought."
Post Edited (Prettybird) : 8/14/2009 1:08:53 AM GMT
One thing that would help your presentation would be to resample your photos so they fit on a screen. I typically won't post anything bigger than 800x600, which will accommodate just about everyone. As it is, it's very difficult to grasp the big picture while looking through a keyhole. Attached is a sample of what I mean.