Diptrace Users
If you are using the free version of diptrace, there is a free upgrade to 500 pins. Make sure you have at least version 2.0.06. You can then request a registration code by emailing support@diptrace.com
I don't know how long they will be doing this for, so get it while its hot!
I don't know how long they will be doing this for, so get it while its hot!
I emailed my request this morning and had an email with the key when I got back this afternoon. Just finished installing the latest version and entering the key. Now to check it out.
[noparse][[/noparse] Edit: the old song: " reboot, retry, *futz*, uninstall, reinstall, *futz the same* "· tells me their stuff is buggy - too bad, the·schematic editor at least looks nice.· Any suggestions (other than sending them·the dump log?) thanks ]
Post Edited (CounterRotatingProps) : 8/12/2009 12:40:37 AM GMT
- H
Have you asked for help on the diptrace forum? They tend to be very responsive to this sort of thing.
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
IT / Web / PCB / Audio
The diptrace support folks are good --- maybe they learned a thing or two from Parallax support [noparse]:)[/noparse])
I submitted a trouble ticket. response < 2 hrs.
Several email flurries...
Without my prompting, they're sending me a custom debug build to figure it out. Wow (but then again, I'm testing it for them freebees too).
I'm pretty sure it's the Nvidia "Desktop manager" which puts extra bells and whistles on the windows - like a Linux/Mac style rollup shade, which I can't seem to live without [noparse]:([/noparse]
When that fluff is off, PCB seems to do fine.
I can live without the fluff in trade for diptrace --- it is really nice to work with!
(And they gave me the 500 upgrade too [noparse]:)[/noparse])
- H
Thanks! for the tip.I just got mine.
Thanks again for the upgrade tip!
Can I make a board out of many differnt boards?
I usually have many small designs, and I need 1-2 boards for each design. With freepcb it is fairly easy to combine many PCB layouts in a bigger board. I tried to do the same with Diptrace with no success. Is it possible?
I checked the tutorial and it talks about same boards..
I noticed the same error with "pins/max" that Skylight has indicated.
I noticed that the dip pinout in the supplied parallax / propeller library is incorrect. the right side of the chip has several pins mis-numbered. Its an easy fix using the component editor.