First Quad Onmi-wheel Bot
· I found these wheels from a lot sale and decided to put them to use. I can see alot more programming and tweeking with these. I am now using 4 standard continous servos and it works better then expectted. Surprised it moved carring a 7.2V ni-cad pack.The hardest part so far was retrofitting the wheels to the servos. Wonders if it is worth it to just change the servos to small direct drive DC motors. I have a few of them laying around and torque does not seem to be an issue. Has anyone played with these before? Mabe a ping might be usefull but no need for a scanner for this type of robot. By reading, it seems this thing will take up alot more memory to operate. I can see a compass would mabe more useful. Go with basic whiskers for now.··
Post Edited (Prettybird) : 8/9/2009 9:58:02 PM GMT
Post Edited (Prettybird) : 8/9/2009 9:58:02 PM GMT