Haptic Holography
The basic tech behind the Star Trek Holo Suite, Holograms that you can both see and touch, projected in 3D space, takes its first baby steps.
You can find better demo links, work for it. Like this:

You can find better demo links, work for it. Like this:

April, 2008: when I discovered the answers to all my micro-computational-botherations!
I don't understand how the image is projected... is it onto the black background or is it in mid-air as implied? If it is in mid-air, how so? It has to have something to project onto... even if it's just particles such as dust, right?
April, 2008: when I discovered the answers to all my micro-computational-botherations!
April, 2008: when I discovered the answers to all my micro-computational-botherations!
I think something like this is possible with the propeller, but you would need a dsp to handle all those ultrasonic emitters, and graphics would be extremely simple, unless you added ram or another propeller.
Maybe something like this:
{10x10 array of ultrasonic emitters+dsp}+propeller+3d object display code+{head tracking rig+propeller (overkill, maybe atmega168 or similar)}
Not the fish.
The concave mirror explanation is basically no explanation at all.
Amazed by those ultrasonic transducers, pretty cool.
will reflect back out and focus on the focal point. Of course it will also continue onwards to your eyes.
However your eyes will perceive the light as if it is eminating from the focal point. So your eyes will think
that the object is at that focal point.
Thus the effect is to have it appear as if an object is floating in mid air infront of the mirror.
If the focal point is a few feet infront of the mirror you will also tend to not see the mirror
in focus and thus you will tend to ignore the mirror and therfore you will think the object is
just there and the illusion is complete.
See this diagram
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 8/9/2009 6:13:01 PM GMT
1986 Chevy EL Camino·· No prop yet
1984 Suzukie GS1100GK No prop yet