Spanish speaking people
Hi everybody!
I´m new in this forum and i would like to contact with people speaking spanish interested in Propeller programming and development
I´m new in this forum and i would like to contact with people speaking spanish interested in Propeller programming and development
Toys are microcontroled.
Robots are microcontroled.
I am microcontroled.
If it's not Parallax then don't even bother. :-)
I have changed my avatar so that I will no longer be confused with others who use genaric avatars.
Mini-Din/PS2 connectors are for sale! 5 for $1! PM me if you wish to make an order.
Cheap·shipping unless specified!··········150 left!!··
We are many, many spanish and latin american people here. However, since this is an english forum, everybody writes their posts on english.
If you really want to speak spanish, i can bring you 2 links (if forums administrators allow me)
Aristides Alvarez hosts an excellent spanish forum at this link
Also, Lorenzo Oliver hosts a great site with a lot of useful information on
it has a particularity, the "Research groups", focused on an specific field, for example Propeller. Where people share their aknowlegdes about each particular area.
Anyway, wellcome, i recommend you not to go away of this group, because there are a lot of useful information here.
Are you looking for a professional PCB/Schematichs software?
Kicad: GPL. You can do Schematics, PCBS, Gerber interfaces, 3d-views and more
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
I tend to avoid Spanish speaking forums as much as possible. But I'd consider the ones that only allow correct and well spelled text as a rule
I think it is OK to use spanish language on this forum, or any language, provided there is translation to English attempted.
I was referring to the keyboard distribution. Every country has its own dialect. I cannot differentiate all of them but I think most of them. Programming languages are IMHO much easier.
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller
OMU for the pPropQL/020
.because Its aim to help students and users to memories English vocabulary in an easy and efficient way, by using pictures, sounds and games.