photoresistor sumo robot
Im trying to build a mini sumo robot using two photoresistors instead of QTI sensors. I went through all the projects in the Boe Bot project book but none of the programs give me a general program·that i can use for all sorts of light conditions. Can someone please help me with a program or point me in the right direction?
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Im trying to build a mini sumo robot using two photoresistors instead of QTI sensors. I went through all the projects in the Boe Bot project book but none of the programs give me a general program·that i can use for all sorts of light conditions. Can someone please help me with a program or point me in the right direction?
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- Stephen
Using a light source near the surface you are trying sense will help, such as some LEDs mounted near your sensors to illuminate the surface.
The product you mention is an assortment.· Probably all different, as far as their reaction to light.· If you use a voltage divider·circuit it will have to be adjusted for each individual Cds cell.· And different·light levels will also effect this.· With RCTIME you could compensate for different light levels using some kind of calibration routine.
Cds cells are slow to react to changes, and using RCTIME will slow your program down even more.· I've used IR photodiode pairs salvaged from PC mice for line following with good results.· This is also less sensitive to indoor ambient light.
Hope this helps.
I·put two LEDs on the bottom and now the program works.
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