Question for Mike about code.
Hey, Mike!
· If you are watching, I have been trying to convert lines of PBASIC into C++ code for the robot I am currently working on. I have learned a lot, but apparently not enough. For my Boe-bot, I would write something like this for the subroutine:
for i=1 to 40
PULSOUT browservo,600
Pause 500
Now, I cannot find a PULSOUT command in my version of C.
Is there away around this with some other C command?
Thanks for your wonder help in the past.· Also, I welcome Anyone to answer this question, but I know that Mike will know the answer. Thank You All.
· If you are watching, I have been trying to convert lines of PBASIC into C++ code for the robot I am currently working on. I have learned a lot, but apparently not enough. For my Boe-bot, I would write something like this for the subroutine:
for i=1 to 40
PULSOUT browservo,600
Pause 500
Now, I cannot find a PULSOUT command in my version of C.
Is there away around this with some other C command?
Thanks for your wonder help in the past.· Also, I welcome Anyone to answer this question, but I know that Mike will know the answer. Thank You All.
You can't find a PULSOUT command in your version of C because there isn't any such thing in C or C++ unless someone (the vendor) has provided a library function to do it. For that matter, there's normally no timing capability in C either, so you can't have a PAUSE.
How you might do something like this depends on your C or C++ system and what you're running the program on (and you didn't supply any of that ... makes it really hard to help).
Are you planning a remake or the next chapter of "Short Circuit"?
The raised brows are very cool. A johnny five robot is already available. I think as a finished product and as a kit. But, I like mine better. (it costs less.)
I plan in the future to possibly use the BasicStampII,PX24,PE,Propeller and two arduinos in one machine. But, I need to learn C.
Post Edited (MovieMaker) : 8/2/2009 2:34:01 PM GMT
- Stephen
Post Edited (Franklin) : 8/2/2009 10:12:24 PM GMT
You'll find library routines "delayMicroseconds" and "digitalWrite" which you can use together to do what PULSOUT does and "delay" does what PAUSE does.
while(1 == 1) // loop forever
for(i = 0; i < servopulse; i++) // make pin high for the correct pulse length
servopin = 1;
for(i = 0; i < twentymstime; i++) // make pin low for 20ms
servopin = 0;
} // loop again to top
For the constants twentymstime, servopulse, and servopin you will need to put in the correct numbers to make it function. Also note I am fairly new to C, so this may not be the best way to get the job done.
Pi, your language looks Exactly like mine. Also Arduino version 17 is going to include PULSOUT. Yeh!
Thank You guys sooo much!
Post Edited (MovieMaker) : 8/2/2009 6:18:19 PM GMT