HMC5843 Dataread issues
Posts: 122
Hello I modified the code for the HMC6343 so that it might work with the HMC5843. I am having some trouble getting the HMC5843 into continuous measurement mode. The code currently returns a constant value over serial.
Mag XYZ: 16 8192 -301
I am pretty sure that this is due to the continous measurement mode not being set right, so the constant values are some other registers that I am not intending to read.
On a positive not the divice is recognized on the bus, and does return different values depending on different commands sent...I am just trying to get the values that should be returned back.
Anyways any help is appreciated I will continue to work on it myself. Let me know whats wrong....
Well I am getting a runtime error for attachments so I will just add the files that I modified below the rest are on OBEX...
Mag XYZ: 16 8192 -301
I am pretty sure that this is due to the continous measurement mode not being set right, so the constant values are some other registers that I am not intending to read.
On a positive not the divice is recognized on the bus, and does return different values depending on different commands sent...I am just trying to get the values that should be returned back.
Anyways any help is appreciated I will continue to work on it myself. Let me know whats wrong....
Well I am getting a runtime error for attachments so I will just add the files that I modified below the rest are on OBEX...
{{ HMC5843 driver test Tim Moore Aug 08 Edit from HMC 6343 Driver by Jeff }} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 6_000_000 'NOTE SPEED HMC5843_Write = $3C OBJ '1 Cog here uarts : "pcFullDuplexSerial4FC" '1 COG for 4 serial ports config : "configHMC5843" 'no COG required i2cObject : "basic_i2c_driver" '0 COG hmc : "hmc5843object" '0 COG lis : "lis302dlobject" '0 COG i2cScan : "i2cScan" '0 COG VAR long i2cSCL Pub Start | X, Y, Z config.Init(@pininfo,@i2cinfo) waitcnt(clkfreq*3 + cnt) 'delay for debugging i2cSCL := config.GetPin(CONFIG#I2C_SCL1) ' setup i2cObject i2cObject.Initialize(i2cSCL) uarts.Init uarts.AddPort(0,config.GetPin(CONFIG#DEBUG_RX),config.GetPin(CONFIG#DEBUG_TX),{ } UARTS#PINNOTUSED,UARTS#PINNOTUSED,UARTS#DEFAULTTHRESHOLD, { } UARTS#NOMODE,UARTS#BAUD115200) 'Add debug port uarts.Start 'Start the ports uarts.str(0,string("HMCTest",13)) i2cScan.i2cScan(i2cSCL) uarts.tx(0,10) 'Set the device for continuous measurement mode hmc.ContHMC5843(i2cSCL) repeat hmc.GetMag(i2cSCL, HMC5843_Write,@X,@Y,@Z) uarts.str(0,string("Mag XYZ: ")) uarts.dec(0,X) uarts.tx(0," ") uarts.dec(0,Y) uarts.tx(0," ") uarts.dec(0,Z) uarts.tx(0,10) uarts.tx(0,13) waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) 'delay for debugging DAT 'pin configuration table for this project pininfo word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 0 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 1 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 2 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 3 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 4 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 5 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 6 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 7 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 8 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 9 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 10 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 11 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 12 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 13 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 14 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 15 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 16 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 17 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 18 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 19 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 20 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 21 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 22 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 23 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 24 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 25 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 26 word CONFIG#NOT_USED 'pin 27 word CONFIG#I2C_SCL1 'pin 28 - I2C - eeprom, sensors, rtc, fpu word CONFIG#I2C_SDA1 'pin 29 word CONFIG#DEBUG_TX 'pin 30 word CONFIG#DEBUG_RX 'pin 31 i2cinfo byte CONFIG#HMC6343 'HMC5843 compass byte %0011_1100 byte CONFIG#LIS3LV02DQ_0 'LIS3LV02DQ accelometer byte %0011_1010 byte CONFIG#NOT_USED byte CONFIG#NOT_USED
{{ ┌────────────────────────────────────────── │ HMC6343 Driver 1.0 │ Author: Tim Moore │ Copyright (c) Aug 2008 Tim Moore │ See end of file for terms of use. └────────────────────────────────────────── This code is a modified version of the HMC6343 Object for the HMC5843 3-axis MAG HMC5843 by Jeff }} CON 'I2C registers for the HMC5843 HMC5843_POST_MAG = $3D HMC5843_Write = $3C HMC5843_Add_B = $02 HMC5843_Dat_Cont = $00 OBJ i2cObject : "basic_i2c_driver" '0 COG PRI GetData(i2cSCL, _deviceAddress, register, XPtr, YPtr, ZPtr) | resp resp := 0 i2cObject.start(i2cSCL) resp |= i2cObject.write(i2cSCL,_deviceAddress | 0) resp |= i2cObject.write(i2cSCL,register) waitcnt(clkfreq/1000 + cnt) '1 MS i2cObject.start(i2cSCL) resp |= i2cObject.write(i2cSCL,_deviceAddress | 1) long[noparse][[/noparse]XPTR] := (,i2cObject#ACK) << 8) | (,i2cObject#ACK) & $ff) ~~long[noparse][[/noparse]XPTR] long[noparse][[/noparse]YPTR] := (,i2cObject#ACK) << 8) | (,i2cObject#ACK) & $ff) ~~long[noparse][[/noparse]YPTR] long[noparse][[/noparse]ZPTR] := (,i2cObject#ACK) << 8) | (,i2cObject#NAK) & $ff) ~~long[noparse][[/noparse]ZPTR] i2cObject.stop(i2cSCL) return resp PUB GetId(i2cSCL, _deviceAddress) i2cObject.start(i2cSCL) i2cObject.write(i2cSCL,_deviceAddress | 0) i2cObject.start(i2cSCL) i2cObject.write(i2cSCL,_deviceAddress | 1) result :=,i2cObject#NAK) i2cObject.stop(i2cSCL) PUB GetMag(i2cSCL, _deviceAddress, XPtr, YPtr, ZPtr) GetData(i2cSCL, _deviceAddress, HMC5843_POST_MAG, XPtr, YPtr, ZPtr) PUB ContHMC5843(i2cSCL) i2cObject.start(i2cSCL) i2cObject.write(i2cSCL,HMC5843_Write) i2cObject.write(i2cSCL,HMC5843_Add_B) i2cObject.write(i2cSCL,HMC5843_Dat_Cont) i2cObject.stop(i2cSCL)
To change the measurement mode to continuous measurement mode, after the 5 milli-second power-up time send the
three bytes:
0x3C 0x02 0x00
This writes the 00 into the second register or mode register to switch from single to continuous measurement mode
setting. With the data rate at the factory default of 10Hz updates (100 milli-seconds interval), a 100 milli-second delay
should be made by the I2C master before querying the HMC5843 data registers for new measurements. To clock out the
new data, send:
0x3D, and clock out DXRA, DXRB, DYRA, DYRB, DZRA, DZRB located in registers 3 through 8. The HMC5843 will
automatically re-point back to register 3 for the next 0x3D query, expected 100 milli-seconds or later.
So I thought that I should write the 3D to start clocking out the data.
I see what you are saying from page 10, I was just following the above.
I will try to send a three and see what happens.