did anybody build an USB-keyboard to serial adapter?

I know PS/2-keyboards and mice are still available and can be directly connected to the propeller
and there are drivers for it.
Anyway I would like to ask
did anybody build a USB-keyboard to serial adapter?
NOT directly to the propellerchip as I know that this is very difficult.
But by using any kind of additional hardware Atmel 90USB1287 FTDI-chips or what ever
I mean connect a PURE USB-keyboard (which has NO PS/2-protocol implemented) to this adapter
and the adapter is outputting serial string messages or is outputting on PS/2-protocol ?
best regards
Post Edited (StefanL38) : 7/28/2009 4:36:39 PM GMT
I know PS/2-keyboards and mice are still available and can be directly connected to the propeller
and there are drivers for it.
Anyway I would like to ask
did anybody build a USB-keyboard to serial adapter?
NOT directly to the propellerchip as I know that this is very difficult.
But by using any kind of additional hardware Atmel 90USB1287 FTDI-chips or what ever
I mean connect a PURE USB-keyboard (which has NO PS/2-protocol implemented) to this adapter
and the adapter is outputting serial string messages or is outputting on PS/2-protocol ?
best regards
Post Edited (StefanL38) : 7/28/2009 4:36:39 PM GMT
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
There are converter plugs that cost a few $ that convert a USB board to PS2
I did not open one of them so I do not know what is inside. However from the size and
looks of it, it seems to me just a matter of wiring.
These plugs convert the purely USB keyboard to a PS2 and work perfectly even on
PCs that predate the USB era and do not know anything about a USB (like Windows 95).
I have one and I use it with my antiquated PC running W95 and Even a sometimes with the
DOS 6.2 machine that I keep for the sake of running some REAL old programs.
The USB keyboard works perfectly with the plug converter....it is about an inch by two
by 1/4 inch thick with a female USB on one end and a PS2 on the other.
I bought it from CompUSA back when they were still a store.
There are also converters for converting PS/2 keyboard/mice to USB for people who have PS/2 peripherals and newer computers with USB ports only. But I've never seen a commercial device that goes the other way, adapting a pure USB keyboard or mouse that isn't PS/2 aware for PS/2 service. The market for such a thing would be extremely limited (mainly to industry) and it would probably be very expensive if anyone bothered to make it.
In DIY land you would need a controller capable of doing USB host mode and running the PS/2 interface at the same time.
It is supposed to work with USB only keyboards and may have a bit more smarts inside than just mapping pins from one connector to another.
Post Edited (RobotWorkshop) : 7/28/2009 9:34:55 PM GMT
I think most keyboards do (still) support both protocols USB and PS/2. But how long will this be available ?
So this kind of plug-converter will only work with USB / PS/2-keyboards but not with pure USB-keyboards
best regards
More info:
USB to PS2 Pinout:
PS2 Protocol:
There are numerous active devices on the market that utilize only PS2 (think dumb terminals, thin clients, machinery, etc) so PS2 mice and keyboards have a long way to go before they are end of life.
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
IT / Web / PCB / Audio