Late night frustration and RS232 question
Posts: 943
Got the basic hardware today and spent the evening setting it using the diagram from the PE Labs kit but hit a major snag.· The PropPlug I got with it programed the device several times but·now it reports there is no chip found.· ID chip reports the same.· Several PC's all report the same.· The Prop is running it's code since I·loaded it in EEPROM too·but I can not program it anymore.· The PropPlug seems quite dead. I'm planning to call Parallax tomorrow to see about a replacement.· My real disappointment is I had several days of alone time to work with it and now I'm stuck with no interface.· Is there a simple fall-back to a serial cable that I could do?· I have an old MAX233 from a previous project but I'm a little leery if that is correct for handling the RS232 signals from the PC and the reset seems to be tied into the serial port too.· I could get the bits needed to put it together from the local Radio Shack if that MAX233 will work.
Is there any example schematic for an interface like that?
My other issue tonight·is that programs would run at 40Mhz but not at 80.· I think strapping the breadboard's metal base to ground may help with that since it also seemed to stop execution if that metal base was touched even at 40.· Now that it is strapped to ground·it has stopped doing it at 40 but I'm stuck since I can't test anymore now at 80.
Going to bed now.· Hope this makes sense to anyone.
Post Edited (photomankc) : 7/28/2009 8:50:56 PM GMT
Is there any example schematic for an interface like that?
My other issue tonight·is that programs would run at 40Mhz but not at 80.· I think strapping the breadboard's metal base to ground may help with that since it also seemed to stop execution if that metal base was touched even at 40.· Now that it is strapped to ground·it has stopped doing it at 40 but I'm stuck since I can't test anymore now at 80.
Going to bed now.· Hope this makes sense to anyone.
Post Edited (photomankc) : 7/28/2009 8:50:56 PM GMT
Suffice to say the key is the transistor, two 10k resistors and a 0.01uF on the reset. And on the download part, you need two 1k resistors (R15/16) between the max232 and the Propeller. These provide a 5V to 3V interface. (or you could use a max3232 instead of a max232). The transistor is any small signal type, so you probably have enough bits lying around to get it working without needing to buy any more parts.
Quit buying all those fixed voltage regulators, and·get an Adjustable Power Supply·for your projects!· Includes an LED testing terminal!
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ETA: Does the prop expect the inverted signals of the drivers? I notice they all have inverters but I see no indication they need to be flipped back in the circuit using the MAX chips. Thanks for the pocket term schematic, that seems to be just what I'm looking for if a little hard to read.
Post Edited (photomankc) : 7/28/2009 3:03:15 PM GMT
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
Testing is now going better. There is still a little weirdness in it with the 5Mhz crystall and pll16x. Sometimes, maybe 1 in 10 times the program loads but the chip never seems to start executing it. Loading it again will usually make it run though. It may just be something about this breadboard that's a problem. I have another breadboard and 2 more chips on the way so I should be able to build it out on them and see how that goes. It seems to run well at 64Mhz using an 8Mhz crystal and pll8x so that would at least get me a little better than the half speed offered by 5Mhz and pll8x. I'd rather a little slower and more reliable though I guess.