FT232RL to make minimal prop platform?
The FTDI FT232RL usb to serial kit seems to have a clock source and a 50ma 3.3V regulator that can be fed off the usb power line.· Can this clock and regulator be enough to drive the propeller so only other part that's missing is the eeprom?· Is the 6mhz clock stable enough to run the·16x pll·multiplier to 96mhz?
Extract from their tech support email - "You need to have the FT232R fully enumerated to use the CBUS Clock outputs."
Its a pity. In an ideal world that FT232 would output a clock at all times (albeit not quite good enough for video), and also let us program its internal EEPROM with a small SD card boot loader to kickstart the Prop. Perhaps another usb enabled micro (PIC/TI) might let us do that??