Sending and String Variable to the PINK module
Hello All,·
I am using a BS2P4 with the Pink module and am wanting to send UDP messages of a string of·variables to·an awaiting syslog server.
The issue I have is "how do I fill in the line SEROUT TX, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"!NB0WBM:MachineID,[noparse][[/noparse]spd1var],;", CLS]· with my varialbles that I have defined"? I have attached the code that I have so far.
The string that my syslog server is looking for is "MachineID,var,var,;". I do not have the MachineID defined, cause I will just hard code that into the string, if possible.
I am using this to get·run time data and submitting it to a Access database. ··
I am using a BS2P4 with the Pink module and am wanting to send UDP messages of a string of·variables to·an awaiting syslog server.
The issue I have is "how do I fill in the line SEROUT TX, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"!NB0WBM:MachineID,[noparse][[/noparse]spd1var],;", CLS]· with my varialbles that I have defined"? I have attached the code that I have so far.
The string that my syslog server is looking for is "MachineID,var,var,;". I do not have the MachineID defined, cause I will just hard code that into the string, if possible.
I am using this to get·run time data and submitting it to a Access database. ··
Not sure if this was the best use of code, but it works.
Post Edited (Robert Crouch) : 7/25/2009 2:56:45 AM GMT