Subroutine executes on one time
I'm new to the BSSX world and it has been many years since I did any programming.· I'm trying to generate a data string that consists of a sync pulse, an 8-bit data field, an 11-bit data field, and a 3-bit suffix code.· I'm programming in stages to learn the SX/B language and become familiar with the BSSX.· The code I have written is attached.· The part I'm having trouble with is the FOR loop in the NIDEK_CODE subroutine.· It only exceutes once.· Any help will be appreciated.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
A "jmp" is simply a "GOTO", and you aren't allowed to "jmp" or "GOTO" from one routine into the middle on another routine - unless you want your program to crash. Zoot's approach is correct except that instead of saying you should "probably" change the jumps to GOSUBs, he should have said you need to change your jumps to GOSUBs.